. 3 bahrain breakfast

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Fearless (Taylor's Version)
Taylor Swift

After commuting from Oxford to the factory in her old Volkswagen everyday, the slick car the team sent out for her is extremely welcome.

The day after they arrived home from Melbourne, work at the factory began again. Meadow had a lot of strategy meetings with the rest of the media team, and edited quite a lot of footage from the first race weekend. Their account was already growing so much, and Meadow loves talking to fans in the comments. Even though that's actually Ruby's job.

But now they're onto Bahrain! The plane's just landed an hour ago, and the whole team is going to the same hotel this time. It's super close to the track and supposedly even more teams are staying there. At least she heard so from Olive.

The trio has a group chat now, Meadow couldn't be more happy that she actually has friends at work. She's good with most people, she always has been. But it's still nice to have your own little group, a few people to trust in this crazy sport. From what the girls have told her, this can be a tough world at times.

Ruby is currently fast asleep on her shoulder, while Olive is flirting with the taxi-driver. Meadow just sits there, observing them. She enjoys little moments like these, having fun with her new best friends.

"Hey Rubes, you've gotta wake up." She slightly nudges her shoulder. "We're here."

The girl lifts her head in confusion, probably thrown off by the short nap. It's quite unbelievable, the drive from the airport to the hotel was only twenty minutes.

As soon as everyone is ready, and awake, they get out and gather their luggage to go inside. During check in, Meadow finds out she has her own room once again, whereas Ruby and Olive have to share.

"So you two are on the ninth floor. Miss Walters, your room is on the twelfth floor." Her ears pick up at this. That's the top floor. With the expensive rooms. Also known as: where the drivers are staying.

"I'm sorry, there must have been a mix-up? I don't think I'm supposed to be on the top floor." The employee rolls his eyes at her, not feeling for dealing with some drama.

"Miss, it says it right here." He turns the computer screen to face them. He's right, it does say Miss M. Walters room 12.21. Right across from Mr. S. Perez, room 12.14. "You see? Do you believe me now?"

"Sorry, yes. I'll just ask my boss what's up." After that the employee finally hands their keys over and explains the breakfast schedule to them. There's a secluded restaurant on the tenth floor, only for formula one workers. So no crazy fans allowed.


Once in the room, all Meadow wants to do is sleep. It's ten pm already, and her alarm is set for seven tommorow morning.

The room is, as expected, amazing. She has a bed that you can't even call queen size anymore. More like, the entire royal family. Plus there's a bath, right in front of the large windows. This hotelroom is bigger then her entire apartment back home. One night of staying here is probably the same cost as her rent too.

So, before Meadow jumps under the covers, she decides to text Christian. Luckily she's grown a lot more comfortable around him. Yes, he still intimidates the crap out of her, but she calls him Christian instead of Mr. Horner now, and they can talk casually.

"Hello Christian, I was just wondering if there has been a mix-up with the rooms? I'm at the top floor in a similar room to Max' and Checo's?"

Not even ten minutes later, she receives a response. Apparently, there wasn't a mix-up. They filled all the rooms on floor 9, 10 and 11 in alphabetical order. And they turned out to be two rooms short, giving Meadow and one of the mechanics a room on the top floor. Further down was supposedly not an option, because the hotel is only F1 private from floors nine and up.

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