. 6 miami madness

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Party in the U.S.A.
Miley Cyrus

"I hopped off the plane at LAX, with a dream and my cardigan"

Miley Cyrus sings through Meadow's headphones as the plane touches down in America. Not so much LAX, but Miami international airport. Next week, round 4 of the season will take place here, for the first time ever. Everyone's excited to have another race in America. It's her first time visiting the country. Growing up, she always dreamed of living in the States and having that dream life. Now, obviously, she's gone back on that, but it's still nice to finally visit.

The race is not for another week, but Meadow, Olive and Ruby decided to fly out early and enjoy a little mini-vacation. Though they still have to work of course. 

After unpacking and settling down in their airbnb, the girls get ready to enjoy the remainder of the evening at the pool. Olive and Ruby are swimming in the water, while Meadow is relaxing on one of the beachchairs.

She jolts awake from her sleepy tanning session when her phone starts ringing. The caller-id shows her it's Max.

"Hey Max, what's up"

"Hey! Okay so me, Daniel and some others have rented a yacht for tommorow. Do you and the girls wanna join us?"

"Oh my god, of course!"

"Great! We'll just pick you up at eleven, text me where you're staying."

"Will do. See you tommorow!"

"Tot morgen!"

Meadow puts her phone down and calls Olive and Ruby over.

"Girls! We're going on a yacht tommorow!"

The pair immediately starts screaming. Yes, they work in one of the wealthiest sports ever, but they're still not really used to all the luxury. The trio is really excited, and immediately drop everything to choose their outfits for the morning.

The end of the night approaches fast, because their jet lag is very real. The airbnb isn't big, there's only two bedrooms. Olive and Ruby share one, which means Meadow is staying in the second one by herself. It doesn't take long until she falls asleep under the crisp white sheets, dreaming about her first time on a yacht tommorow.


"Gutenmorgen sunshines!!"

Daniel is his usual, chirpy self when Meadow opens the door.

"Are we excited for a little boat day ladies?"

They speak about their plans for the day while walking to the car. In there, they find Max waiting for them behind the wheel.

"Goodmorning Max! Thank you so much for inviting us again!" Meadow says to the dutch driver as she gets on the backseat.

"Of course Meads, I need another Dutchie in my corner around all these idiots." With that, Daniel slaps Max on his arm.

"Auch you loser!"

"Karma is a bitch" Daniel replies, winking.

The group carpools to the port together, where a small group of guys is waiting for them. They're all mechanics for the Red Bull team, so Meadow recognizes most of their faces.

Olive immediately starts chatting with one of the guys, she believes his name is Fransisco. They're both from Lisboa, which makes no one understand them as they're speaking in their mother tongue.

The Red Bull employees enter the yacht, which is obviously completely staffed. Perks of having rich friends?

The girls make their way down to the front deck, to sunbathe and talk to eachother. The guys head straight to the bar area, with a very high possibility of them being drunk in an hour.

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