. 15 summer break sunburns

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Night changes
One Direction

"Fuck men!" Following Daniel's cheer, their glasses clink together. A chuckle escapes Meadow's mouth, when Max scrunches his eyebrows up.


Daniel shushes  him quickly, and points to her. "Today, we hate all men. Especially the British kind!"

It's heartwarming that Daniel and Max have been so supportive for her. Even last week, when they were racing, they still called her multiple times a day to check in. It must be hard on them, she thinks, to be cruel about one of their friends. Because after everything, Lando is still their friend. He did nothing wrong, after all. 

On the contrary, her other friends have left her confused. She stopped hearing from Olive and Ruby throughout the week. Last week, they were blowing up her phone, though it was unanswered from her side. But now, radio silence. According to Max, who she discussed the situation with, nothing seemed off with them during the weekend. Which is why she can't come up with a single reason why they would ignore her. 

"Meads," Daniel pulls her attention back to the conversation, "get out of your head."

"I wasn't even thinking about him! I promise." The two don't buy it for a second. It's reasonable, considering she spent almost two weeks decomposing on her couch because of Lando. After another raise of Max' eyebrows, she clarifies her thoughts. "I was just thinking about how weird it is that Olive and Ruby haven't texted me at all in the past few days."

"I'm sure they're just busy, Meads," Daniel says, in an attempt to comfort her.

"I mean, I've been a shitty friend these past few weeks," she continues spiraling, "I shut everyone out, so I understand that they're done with me now. They're my best friends, and I completely ignored them."

Max raises his tone slightly when he speaks up. "Hey! You have not been a shitty friend! Your feelings are completely valid and you don't have to apologize for trying to recover from what happened. If anything, they should apologize for not trying to take care of you."

"Preach, sister" Daniel contributes. Even Meadow can't help but smile a little at that. Feeling grateful, she hugs the two of them. 

"Thanks guys, I don't know what I would do without you."

After this emotional outburst, their conversation flows back to lighter and easier topics. They're on Max' rooftop, sipping on their drinks while enjoying the last rays of sunshine that day. Yesterday, the inseparable duo picked her up from England, with Max' private plane. When they were in the air, the two got into a fight about where they were going to stay. Daniel, humble as always, was claiming that his was the best, Max, obviously, claimed that his was the biggest.

Eventually she settled the argument, by suggesting they stayed in Max' house, because they stayed at Daniel's place last time. Luckily, that solution seemed reasonable enough to everyone, so here they are now.

"So, I was thinking," Meadow speaks up, "I know you said we were going to spend the whole summer here. But I thought it might be nice to visit my dad. And you could come with me."

Max immediately jumps on her idea, probably excited to go back to his home country. "That's a great idea, Meads! Could be really fun!"

"Yeah, where does your dad live again?" Daniel asks.

"He lives in Den Haag." Confusion clouds Daniel's face, it's obvious he doesn't recognize the name.

"The Hague, Danny," Meadow clarifies.

"Oooooh!" Max and Meadow laugh at their friend. It'll be interesting for sure, having Daniel as the only non-Dutch speaking person on their trip.

"Okay," Meadow gets back to her question, "so should I call him, and ask when he has time? We could go for a few days, maybe even go to Scheveningen for a day?"

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