. 16 private parties

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From the dining table
Harry Styles

Meadow felt recharged after their trip to her dad. She relived the feelings she used to have during the summers when she was younger. It made her feel like a kid again, in some way. And showing her friends where she grew up some part of the year made her really happy.

It had been really fun to mock Daniel, because he was the only person around who couldn't speak Dutch. And it was also fun to share their favourite memories of the place with Max, because he'd been here when he was younger too.

But in some weird, cruel way, the moment their plane touched down in Nice, all the feelings she'd forgotten about in the past week, came rushing back. She already thought it had been too good to be true.

Now that she was back in her 'normal' environment, she could no longer escape from the thoughts and feelings in the back of her head.

In the Netherlands, she could pretend that Lando didn't exist. That world and this world were two different things, that wouldn't mix. But now that they're back in Monaco, there's a chance she can run into him outside.

She doesn't even know if he's home, but she's too scared to ask her friends. If she can't fool herself, than she will at least try to not let them notice how much it's still bothering her.

"Meads, we're here." Max' voice startles her. Hopefully they didn't notice the mental spiral she'd fallen into during the car ride.

Still mildly shaken, she pulls herself out of the car and walks to the trunk to get her suitcase. The trio gets into the building quickly, where there is airconditioning.

Here in Monaco, it's a lot warmer than it was at her dad's. The French Riveira summers are no joke, as it is currently over 30 degrees here.

Once the elevator reaches Max' penthouse, he immediately makes a bee-line for his shower.

Daniel and Meadow laugh at him, but then each make their way to their own showers as well. Max' apartment is fancy enough to have multiple guest rooms, each with their own bathroom.

Meadow still wasn't used to that, back home every house had one bathroom to share. But right now, she is thankful for it, because she wants to wash the airplane air and sweat away too.

She's barely put some clothes on when Max barges into her room. "Meads! We're going to a party tommorow!"

"Jesus Max I could've been naked!"

From the hallway, Daniel shouts, "That's what he was hoping for!"

Even Max laughs at the joke, he's getting over her and Meadow is very thankful for it. She would've hated to lose one of her best friends over a stupid crush.

"Meads, I don't care what kind of excuse you're coming up with, you're going with us tommorow."

She knows that fighting him is no use, the two of them will force her to go. Even though her mindset is not set on partying right now, it might be good to get under the people again.

The last time she was at a party, or rather a club, her night got ruined by Lando. She was talking with a guy and he interrupted them and basically seperated them. Not that she actually would've gone home with the guy, but still, it would've been nice to kiss someone voluntarily for once.

"Max, chill. I'll go with you."

She hears Daniel screaming from further down the hall, Max beaming in the doorframe. "Glad to get you back, Meads." He smiles, before turning away and letting her get ready in peace.

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