. 24 zandvoort zoomies

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Something In the Orange

Zach Bryan


"Meads!" A loud bang on the door wakes her up. It's Max's voice that's yelling, but why?

"Where are you! We're leaving in ten minutes!" Fuck.

Realisation kicks in, but her fight or flight response is hindered by something. Something being very heavy and pinning her down to the bed.

Slowly, she raises her head, looking over to the side. Just a few centimeters from her face, the pillow is covered in dark curls. Curls that are attached to no one other than Lando Norris.

She must have moved, because his eyelids flutter open. "Huh, Meadow?" He sits up, removing his arm from her stomach. His eyes take in the room, and he must remember where he is again, because a small smile plays on his lips. "Oh fuck, we fell asleep, didn't we?"

"I guess we did" she responds. Ironically, the tv displays the classic "Are you still watching" message. No such thing happened Netflix, don't you worry.

More knocking interrupts them.

"Meadow I swear to god if you don't open that door right now, I will kick it open!"

Lando's eyes lock on hers. They're twice the normal size, he must have realized who's on the other side too.

"Oh fuck" he mutters under his breath, while Meadow quickly jumps off the bed and runs to open the door. She hesitates for a second though, and looks at Lando. Max will never let them live this down.

"Goodmorning" she smiles. Max doesn't meet her smile though, he looks pretty pissed actually.

"What the fuck Meadow!" She tries to smile apologetically, but he won't have it. With his strong arms, he pushes past her, marching into the room.

There, on the end of the bed, is of course Lando. Now this shuts Max up. He halts in his tracks, jaw dropping. Dumbfounded, he turns between her and Lando. "What?" is all that leaves his mouth.

"No time to explain right now, I still haven't packed. Now, if you two would be so lovely to help me?" she glances at Lando. He answers her with a nod, and walks right past Max into the bathroom. Thankfully this is awkward for all of them.

"Hey Max have you.." Daniel walks in through the open door, stopping in his tracks. His head turns between her and Max; she sitting on the floor folding clothes, Max still standing there with his jaw dropped. "What?"

Max turns around, pointing in the direction of the bathroom. Daniel, confused, takes a step in that direction, when Lando's head pokes aroun the door. "Oh" Daniel says, "OH!" He begins laughing, uncontrollably.

Lando meets her eyes across the room, raising his eyebrows. "Guys, stop acting like babies, literally nothing happened here, we feel asleep while watching Frozen." he says to her friends, before returning to the bathroom to pack her stuff.

Daniel, sitting on the floor now, shakes his head and continues to laugh hysterically. Meadow shoves past her friends, trying to set a world record for fast packing.

There's no time for breakfast, so when everything is shoved inside her suitcase, she drags her dumbfounded friends into the hallway. Max still hasn't said a word, and Daniel still hasn't stopped laughing. "Okay, Lando, thanks for coming over, I had fun." Meadow averts her eyes to the ground, it's still weird to be friendly with him, even after everything.

Lando meets her eye when she glances up, a little crimson creeping up his cheeks. "Yeah, I had fun too. See you in Zandvoort?"

She nods, her cheeks copying his. Daniel coughs next to them, very obviously trying to get their attention. "Okay lovebirds, this has been lovely, but Meadow we really need to catch our ride!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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