Chapter 7

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A week of bed rest in the horrible hospital room was driving Jeda crazy. There was always someone in the room with her, whether it be Richard, Dr. Johnson, or some random person. She was never alone.

It was basically like a suicide watch, which she supposed she was the purpose of them being there.

They had taken the NG tube out and thank God for that. She kept accidentally pulling on it and almost throwing up whenever she turned or moved.

She still had the IVs hooked up to her and monitors attached all over which annoyed her because she was fine. Occasionally they would let her walk around to stretch her legs so she wouldn't get even weaker from not moving.

Plus there was no way she was using a bedpan to use the restroom.

But today, she was finally getting off the machines and able to go to a normal room. She was hoping there was a shower in it because she felt disgusting. A week of just washing up with washcloths made her feel sweaty and gross.

When Dr. Johnson came in, she sat up in excitement. It was a weird feeling that she hadn't had in a while and it confused her for a moment.

"Good morning, Jeda. How did you sleep?" He asks with a warm smile like he did every morning. The person who was sitting in the room with her got up and stretched out.

"Kind of hard to sleep with someone watching me," She says looking over at the muscular man who was walking out of the door without a word. She hadn't even heard him speak the whole night. He just sat there and watched her intently as if she would stop breathing at any moment.

"I know. But hopefully, we don't need to have someone watching over you anymore," Dr. Johnson says, almost as if it were a question. She nods her head in affirmation and smiles.

"Can I leave now?" She asks and he nods his head while taking the finger prob off.

"As soon as these machines are off, you are free. Someone is coming down to show you around the house then to your room where you will be staying." She nods her head and watches as he pulls the IV out of her arm.

She was curious where Stefano had gone. She hadn't seen him since he offered her the deal. Maybe he was busy and didn't have time to waste on her.

Part of her was happy he didn't come back because his presence was intimidating, but she also kind of missed the company. Even with people always with her, most of them just wanted to sit and not talk so it was like she was alone anyways.

Richard was the only one who would talk to her but he was usually on the night shift and always told her to sleep.

"All done," Dr. Johnson says and she smiles at him lightly. She was about to stand up when he lifts his hand. "I have something for you before you go."

She looks at him curiously as he walks out of the room, grabs something from the desk, then comes back in. It was a plastic bag with something in it. He handed it to her and she looked up at him questioningly.

"Well, open it up." He tells her and she looks back down at it and loosens the tie. She sees the fabric inside and pulls it out. It was a black pair of sweatpants and a loose-fitting green shirt. She smiles up at him.

"It was my daughters when she was your age." He tells her with a soft smile. He had told her about his daughter who died a few years ago from cancer when she was in her thirties. His wife left him soon after that.

"Are you sure?" Jeda looked at him with a sad expression.

"Of course," He tells her and she smiles. "Well, I will let you get changed. I will be outside when you are done."

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