Chapter 30

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"Stop!" I scream as I step out of the front door. Eyes turn to me and gunfire stops. "You want me and here I am!"

The men all seem to freeze and I can hear Liam saying something through the earpiece but it was muffled.

"She's where?" Stefano yells from the earpiece. "Tell her to come back to the house, I am coming."

I bring my hand up to my ear and press the button.

"They won't hurt me, they need me. Stay where you are. We have a backup plan. Remember," I say then pull the earpiece out and throw it on the ground.

"What, are you a bunch of pussies all of a sudden?" I shout out to provoke them. "You had no problem taking the life of at least six of my close friends here. So why are you hesitating to attack me?"

"Girls got a fucking mouth," Someone grunts and I let out a laugh.

"You have no fucking idea," I shout back.

When nobody moves I scan the people around to see how many there are. Six in the woods hiding that I can see and ten behind the cars.

I scan the ground near me to see a few familiar faces and push the emotions back down as I step around them.

When I see one face, I squat down and put a finger to his throat while looking over his body to see one stab wound in his stomach with the knife still lodged in. I look over Elio's face last to see blood splatter. I feel a pulse and feel a slight relief in my chest.

He opens an eye slightly as I pull my hand away.

"Stay down," I whisper without hardly moving my mouth so they can't see. "I will take care of this then help will come."

"Take my gun," He mutters so silently I can barely hear him. I pretend to look at a few others around us as I pocket the knives and reach down for the gun in his hand.

"Well, you guys seem to love bloodshed over little old me," I shout over to them while glancing over. "Shame I don't appreciate you hurting those I care for."

"We gave Stefano a choice," Someone says and I look behind one of the cars to see Dimitri. The ugly bastard had a smile on his face.

I stand up with the gun in hand and send him a smirk.

"Shame neither of us is good at making a decision," I say before quickly bringing the gun up and shooting into the woods. I shoot with precision and don't hesitate. I go from one body to another as they were still looking at the side of the house.

The sound of the blasts makes my ears ring and my shoulder hurt, but I smile to myself when all six bodies drop.

Next, I swing over to the cars and shoot three of them down before the others duck down.

"Look at you, Mr. high and mighty. The great Russian leader is hiding behind a car!" I scream at him mockingly as I scan the cars for any heads.

"I will give you a choice, Dimitri because I am feeling generous. Either you leave with the small amount of pride you have left. Or I will kill each of your men that you cower beside before killing you and that pathetic excuse of a son." I say and see movement to the side of the cars behind a tree.

The person comes out and a smirk appears on my face.

"There's the pathetic son and traitor."

"Hello, there sunshine. I was wondering how long it would take you guys. Seems you truly are a smart cookie since you figured it out before Stefano even second-guessed himself." He says with a smirk. He wasn't even trying to hide as he walked in front of the car and leaned against it.

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