Chapter 26

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After dinner I joined the others in the fairly large living room, basically being dragged there by Richard and Josh. They both claimed I needed more social interaction than what I have been doing since I got here.

So I had no choice but to let them drag me with the crowd of others towards the fascinating room.

The room is dark with the lights dimmed down. The walls are a dark matte black with a large window pointing towards the front of the house. There are some large plants on either side of the paneling to add some life to the room.

Looking further into the room, I notice the large black sofas with white pillows in rows across from each other. A fireplace is on the far side of the wall with a grey rock structure around it and a small couch in front for enjoying.

The walls were bare except for a bookshelf embedded in the wall that was filled with books and two mahogany doors on the right side of the room.

It was a cozy space that I wish I had found and enjoyed sooner. Better later than never I guess.

"Enjoy the room?" A voice says next to my ear. I jump and spin around towards Stefano as he smirks down at me.

"Have you never been in here before?" Richard asks, listening in. He was just talking to Josh about something so it gave me a few minutes to just admire the room. But now their conversation was halted and they were both looking at me.

"I mean, I have walked past it many times but never really bothered to look inside," I admit and rub my hand up my bare arm. It was a little chilly in the room and the fireplace seemed to be calling my name.

The room was full of conversations so I moved my eyes over to the couch that was full of different people laughing and enjoying each other's presence.

"Care to sit?" Richard asks, gesturing towards the empty side of the couch.

"I think I might sit by the fireplace. I'm a little chilly and too lazy to run upstairs," I tell him and he smiles before looking over his shoulder towards the fireplace. The flames were casting a glow over the couch and slowly heating the large room.

"I could run up if you want?" Richard asks and I shake my head looking over at Stefano.

"I'll be fine, but thank you."

Richard was about to say something when a shout in the room overlapped his voice.

"I got the drinks! Who's thirsty?" Someone shouts and I look over at the door and smirk to myself. Elio, one of the guys I was training earlier, was holding up bottles of alcohol into the air. A few others behind him had mixers and cups like they were ready for a frat boy party.

"Well, I can't pass up that offer!" Richard says and starts to walk forward then looks back at me. "Care for a drink?"

"I don't think..." I start but he cuts me off.

"Come on, live a little. You are a strong, independent woman who can now make her own decisions. You have nothing holding you back anymore," he says and I hesitate. I think it over before sending him a smile.

"You know what, your right. Can you make me something small that's not too strong," I say and point a finger at him. "I mean that or I will make you do extra running if I have a hangover tomorrow."

He runs over to the guys without a second of hesitation and I laugh to myself. Still feeling a presence next to me I look over at Stefano.

"Aren't you going to have something?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, a smile still on my face.

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