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In the depths of the batcave, a dark haired boy hit the ground hard with a groan. "Again!" Another voice yelled. The dark haired boy stood up and looked at his opponent. "Think Y/n, you can do better." The older man said, looking at the boy. "You expect a fourteen year old boy to beat Batman?" The boy replied.

They started to circle each other on the fighting mat. "Only the student-" Bruce started. "Has hope to beat the master. You sound like Ra's Al Ghul." Y/n replied, raising his boxing gloved fists. He charged at his father and starts throwing punches. Bruce is able to block every single one of them. Y/n throws another punch but draws back before it is blocked.

The young boy, not much shorter than his father, thrusts his fist towards his father's jaw. Bruce quickly recovers and goes on the offensive. It is clearly seen that the son of the bat is overwhelmed with the speed of his father's attacks, and Bruce shows no mercy when he punches his son's temple. Y/n falls to the ground, dazed. "Come on Y/n, Dick was four years younger than you when he started." Bruce said, ready for another round.

Y/n stood up, wiping away blood from the cut on his face. "I'm not boy wonder." Y/n replied. "You can be better." Bruce returned. "Let's throw the kid in the deep end, he'll be fine as long as he doesn't drown first." The boy said sarcastically.

Bruce and Y/n Thomas Wayne met in combat again and Bruce managed to connect a strong blow to his son's jaw, causing him to fall yet again. "Damn it!" He cursed. "All right, Master Bruce. That's quite enough." Alfred said, helping Y/n up. The son of the bat walked away. "Did I do something wrong?" Bruce asked his butler. "I'm afraid your teaching tactics are rather... harsh." Alfred answered. Bruce walked over to the side bench, taking a sip from a sports bottle. "Well, I'd better be off. Someone is in need of sutures." Alfred said before walking off.

Meanwhile Y/n was standing in front of a mirror. He saw his own face, Y/n took after his mother. Even his bright green eyes were identical to her's. He raised the nozzle of a superglue bottle to his cuts, squeezing them shut as he did. Alfred walked over. "Come here, you need sutures." Alfred said. "I hate stitches." Y/n replied. "Be that as it may, it's better than a scar." Alfred returned.

The next day Y/n was tying his tie in front of a mirror. He messed up and reset the cloth. A woman stepped in front of him. She had short black hair and green eyes identical to Y/n's. She took the tie from her son and started to tie it. "Where were you last night?" Y/n asked his mother. "Don't worry, N/n. I was helping out, you know your father cut down hours to train you." She replied.

She was three inches shorter than Y/n who stood at five ten. Bruce was six foot two, four inches taller than Y/n. Selina ran her thumb over the sewn wound on the side of her son's face. "You'll do better next time." Selina comforted him. She walked out of the room. Y/n loosened his tie in the mirror. His one goal was to be like his dad. As good as he was, maybe even better.

At school, Y/n walked the hallways alone wearing his blazer over his shirt and tie. As he was walking past a group of boys his age, one of them shoved him into the lockers. "Get lost, Wayne." The bully taunted. Y/n remembered something Alfred said. "Choose your battles. It's okay to let them walk away, just sit quietly and wait for your turn to strike."

Wayne kept walking, adjusting the leather messenger bag on his right shoulder. "You can do better, Y/n. You can outshine boy wonder." He muttered as he entered the lunchroom. He sat down at an empty table, soon later the group of boys from before sat with him. The leader of the group directly next to him. "Xavier." Y/n said. "So, Wayne. You think you're so cool, right?" Xavier asked him.

Y/n turned to look him in the eye. "I don't. You think I do, which is why you feel the need to pick on me. You're only trying to feel better about yourself because you know how weak you are. And that you have a small dick." Y/n said coolly. Without warning Xavier slammed Y/n's head into the table and threw him against the ground. Xavier kneeled over Y/n, punching him over and over.

Son Of The Bat (Son of Batman Reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now