Chapter 2.2

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    Y/n was practicing moves in his room, wearing jeans and a red long sleeve shirt. He noticed a glimmer outside, seeing Rachel in the forest. "By the power of Azarath, I beseech you. Mother spirit of the netherrealm, protect my brothers and sisters. And give me strength to face the dark force I fear is coming." Rachel said, levitating as she meditated. Y/n walked into the clearing.

He paused, seeing her in the air. A glowing aura pulsed around him, and he walked through. "Thank you for saving me." Y/n said, scratching his neck. Rachel opened her eyes, seeing him. "You're welcome?" Rachel questioned. "It was strange having you in my head. I felt you prying into my entire life, things I don't want you to see. Things I've buried down." "I'm an empath. And if it makes you feel better, I didn't see it as much as felt it." "Even worse." Y/n mumbled. "And I've been trying to shake it ever since." Rachel said.

Y/n sighed. "Then you know I don't belong here. I've fought and killed people Batman couldn't, wouldn't." "Like your brother?" Raven asked. "That's not what I meant. I was meant to be the greatest Robin, to be the next Batman." "I know all about that game. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but would you mind getting the hell away from me?" Rachel questioned.

Y/n stood up. "When you were in my head, I could see things about you, too." "Like what?" "It was a man, but something more. What was that?" Y/n questioned. "Nothing, a nightmare." "It was real, as real as my own demons." Y/n argued.

Rachel stood up, too. "It's none of your business. Who are you to judge my life? You have other things to fix here, so stay away from me. I met you years ago, and I'm not sure I like the person you've grown into. You're an irritable brat with anger issues." Raven said, portalling away. Y/n was left standing, thinking about what she said.

Y/n walked into the common room where Jaime was on the couch, annoyed at chameleon Gar playing Jenga by himself. "Jaime?" Y/n asked."Yeah?" "I'm sorry I was a dick earlier. It won't happen again." Y/n said, walking away. "Aw, see. He likes you." Gar said, morphing back into human form.

Kory walked into her room, seeing Y/n on her computer. "What are you doing in my room? We have rules, Y/n. You never trespass another person's space." Kory shut the laptop, making Y/n skoot the chair away. "You have nothing on her. No background, no history." "On who?" "Rachel." Y/n answered. "You're the leader of this group. You should know everything about her. It's called vetting." Y/n explained.

Kory sighed. "She's seventeen, No mother, no father. She grew up in a hostile realm, not unlike my own planet. And she escaped, like I did. We didn't know anything about Rachel when we took her in, except that she needed a home. A place to grow." Kory explained. "Knowledge is power, and you knew nothing about her." "How much do you have to know when people are in need? Garfield was eleven when his genetics kicked in and gave him green skin and powers." Kory ranted.

She crossed her arms. "We still don't know the purpose of Jaime's alien armor or all of its abilities. We just knew they needed help. You have to have a little faith. Dick knew that when he founded this place with me." "Faith is belief without knowing what's true. It invites disaster. It never works." Y/n countered, walking away.

Kory called Jason to talk about Y/n. "You have no idea how frustrating it is. He reminds me of my sister." Kory commented. "I told you he was tough. His childhood ended in sixty seconds when he saw Selina be killed. His childhood was ripped away from him in an instant, putting him on a path for vengeance. He grew up with seven people who were fighting crime, and all of them suffered at the hands of the man that killed his mom. He's never been around kids his age, he doesn"t know how to act." Jason explained.

Kory sighed. "It's affecting everybody." "You can't expect him to be great at bonding, he shut himself off so he won't get hurt again. He trained to fight his whole life with the big bad bat, which I can say from personal experience is not exactly fun." Jason explained. "So I've heard." Kory mumbled. "Fun!" Kory realized. "What?" "That's it. That's what we need." "What who needs?" Jason asked. "Thank you for your help, Jason." Kory said, hanging up the phone.

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