Chapter 7.0

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   Y/n Wayne walked the streets of Gotham. He was wearing his school uniform. It was black slacks and dress shoes, a white button up and black blazer. He wore a yellow and blue striped tie. He had headphones in and was currently walking to meet his siblings after school like he did every tuesday.

    Y/n heard a car engine next to him. A white van slammed the breaks next to him. Four men wearing clown masks jumped out from the side door of the van. Y/n punched one of them as they approached, but he was grabbed from behind. As much as Y/n struggled it didn't matter. Even if he managed to wrench free of the man grabbing him, could he beat four guys? Could he outrun them? Let alone the van? One of the men hit the boy in the back of the head, knocking him out before dragging Y/n into the van.

   Y/n woke up to water being thrown on him. He looked around, seeing a man in front of him. "Where am I?" He tried to move but found himself chained to the ceiling. The thug laughed at him as Y/n realized he was missing his phone, wallet, keys, blazer, and tie. He heard a chilling laugh, making his blood freeze.

    He heard the sharp clicks of expensive shoes approaching. "No. Please, don't." Y/n said, trying to break free as he saw the man walk in front of him. "Y/n, dear boy." Joker greeted. "Don't be so afraid."

    Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake and Barbara Gordon sat at a table at a restaurant. "He's not normally late." Barbara said, checking her watch. "It's okay. He's probably just running late. Or he had to stay after." Dick added. "He would text." Barbara returned, putting her phone into the backpack that hung from her wheelchair. "Calm down." Dick told her. "What if he had another attack? And he's on the street somewhere." Cass asked.

    Jason stood up. "I'll go look around for him. You guys stay here." Jason said, wanting to find a solution instead of arguing about the problem. "Let me go with you." Cass said. "Sit down. I can handle it." Jason returned before he walked out of the diner.

    Y/n Wayne looked straight at the Joker. "What do you want with me?" "Well what I want is anarchy. But you can't give me that. The only other thing I want is to hurt Batman." Joker explained. "What does Batman have to do with me? I'm just another rich kid." "Not just any rich kid. Bruce Wayne's rich kid. And that would be a PR nightmare. Though it is a Wayne tradition." "Get to the point." "Feisty. You ought to learn some respect, kids these days. Spoiled rotten."

    Joker paced around the dark warehouse, talking with his gloved hands. "When I shot that Gordon girl, what was her name, Becca? Bethany? Something with a 'B'-" "Barbara." "That's it, Barbara. I had no idea she worked for Batman. Just happened to be a lucky guess. Anyways, I come to figure out you found her. In that sick state she was in. Bastard must have been crazy." The Joker began to laugh at his own joke as Y/n tried to forget what he saw that day.

    The Joker stopped and grabbed Y/n, pushing him back as far as the chains would reach. "I come to find you're real good friends with her. Which means you know Batman." "I've never met Batman in my life. I've heard the stories, but actually see a seven foot tall man dressed like a bat? I'd be a fool to believe it till I saw it." "Oh he's real alright. Just as real as I am." Joker threatened.

    Y/n looked at the man straight in the face. "What do you really want? Are you just gonna kill me? Shoot me like you did Barbara? Do you want to lure Batman here? Learn his name?" Y/n asked. "I don't want to know his name. I don't care to, he's Batman and that's all I need to know. And I don't want to kill you. I want to bring you to the edge of death every day, so I can do it again the next, and the next. And eventually, I'll break your mind. Just like I did to Robin." Joker explained.

    He walked away to a table nearby and picked up a crowbar. "This'll do nicely. Let's see how many hits until you pop like a pinata." Joker smiled, raising the bar and swinging it at the boy, a sick crunch following, and a scream.

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