Chapter 4.2

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    They arrived back at Titans Tower. "Don't worry, I'm not staying." Raven turned back to the rest of the group. "I've got to keep moving to keep Trigon off my path." "Where will you go?" Kory asked. "It's better you not know. He's going to try to use you but don't worry. I put a protective spell on you just in case." Rachel explained. "I thought I had a bad burrito." Gar commented. "Dude." Jaime scolded.

Raven pulled the attention back to herself, as Y/n stood silent. "Guess I should've gotten your permission or whatever. But I couldn't stand for him to corrupt you." Rachel explained, her eyes falling on Y/n. "You're the only friends I've ever really had. I'll... Miss you." Rachel looked up at Kory, before walking away. "Wait!"

Y/n stepped forward. "Leave now and you'll always be running." Y/n said in an attempt to hide the real reason he wanted Rachel to stay. "You have no idea what it's like, Y/n. You've never met a monster like Trigon." "You beat him once." Jaime commented. "I was lucky." Rachel countered as Y/n stepped forward. "Now you'll be four times as lucky. If we can't save one of our own, who can we save?" Y/n questioned.

Jamie gave his two cents, "I thought you hated us." "That's not what my hate looks like. I've never hated you guys." Y/n responded from behind the red eyes of his black domino mask. "Nightwing is right. We are your best hope." Suddenly, something exploded near the tower.

A boom tube opened and Batman and Cyborg walked forward. Wonder Woman flew, and the Flash ran. They stood next to each other in front of the Titans. "Down boy." Jaime calmed his armor. "We heard about the attack. Was she at the center?" Bruce asked. "Her father is an interdimensional demon. He was after her." Kory explained. Bruce stepped forward, "She's coming with us." "Like hell she is."

Y/n stepped forward, "We can handle this." "If she's part of this, we need to know." "We can protect her." Y/n argued. "No you can't." "Just like you protected my mom?" Y/n questioned. An awkward silence dawned, growing louder. "I'm sorry, Raven. We've had two magic attacks and Superman is still missing." Diana broke the tension.

Raven suddenly gasped. "No!" "What's the matter?" Kory asked. "He knows they're here, he wants them here." Raven muttered. "Who?" Bruce questioned. "If they stay, everything will be lost." Raven mumbled to Kory. "I won't leave the life of another person I care about in your incapable hands, Bruce. This is our job, Father, you have to leave." Y/n said. "Father?" Jaime and Gar questioned. "She's coming with us." Bruce said, ignoring the sharp words his son spoke on him. "She stays here." Y/n challenged.

Y/n drew his escrima sticks as Jaime and Gar backed him up. The four Justice League members prepared for a fight. "Maybe we should all take a breath." Kory diffused. "Too late. they're here." Raven warned. Red smoke overtook the JL, "Great Hera!" Diana cursed. Barry fell, but Bruce resisted, finally falling to his knees. "We're being compromised." He pulled out a syringe. "Dad!" Y/n ran forward. "Get back." Bruce guarded as he injected the liquid into his leg.

He fell to the ground. "What the hell?" Jaime asked. "It's a nerve toxin." Y/n answered. "For Bane." Bruce screamed as the demonic spirit exited his body. The other three were defeated, they stood ready for a fight, each sprouting four demonic eyes. "The Kryptonian has unearthed the infernal shrine, Raven." Corrupt Diana said. "The who, did the what?" Jaime turned to Raven. "An ancient shrine built by satanists. It has magical properties." Raven explained.

The Flash spoke up. "You are the Shrine's final piece." He said, looking more like his negative tachion powered adversary. "She stays here." Nightwing remained firm. "You dare challenge us?" CD drew her sword. Nightwing rushed forward. He slid, tripping CF and dodging a strike from CD. He blocked her next strike, the clang of the metal filling the air. CD kicked Nightwing off and charged for Rachel.

Blue Beetle electrocuted Cyborg, and shielded from CD's sword, which sunk into the metal. She threw Beetle away. Lion Garfield tackled CD, getting thrown off. He ran and jumped, turning into an elephant as he attempted to crush her. But she dodged skillfully. CD flew forward, using her Amazonian-Devil strength to uppercut the beast. Kory blasted CD as Gar lay unconscious. She flew her fists into CD, taking her into the ground, and landing inside the Tower after breaking some glass.

Blue Beetle stood up, cradling his head. He turned to see CC smiling down upon him as Jaime gasped, getting blown away into a wooden pole. Jaime dodged the next blast which tore through the wood. Missles launched at Beetle, who took flight, launching his chest beam at CC.

Nightwing stood close to Raven, throwing batarangs at CF, who dodged them all. Nightwing went for his escrima sticks, only to get knocked away. CC and Beetle fought in the sky, as Cyborg grabbed Jaime and blasted him, dropping him from the sky. "Beetle..." Y/n groaned, CF shoulder charged him, causing Nighting to crash into a wall of unearthed concrete. CF grabbed Nightwing's throat, beginning to vibrate his hand at superspeed. The Vibrating hand entered Nightwing's chest, causing him to clench his teeth to keep from screaming, but not yet dieing.

From halfway up the tower, Kory was thrown out the window, falling to the ground. CD landed on her back, pulling her golden lasso around Starifre's neck. Raven ran forward, watching her closest friends at the mercy of the corrupted heroes. "I will break her, Raven." CD echoed. "I stop my hand for an instant, and this one dies, too." CF said, as Y/n sat calm, not showing any emotions on his face, but holding back pain.

Raven broke. "Wait!" Her head fell. "I'll go. As the daughter of your lord Trigon, I order you to release these feeble humans." Rachel said, drawing her hood off, her skin turning red as the four demonic eyes took their place. CF removed his grip on Nightwing, who tried to recover his breath. CD drew her lasso to her belt, flying towards Raven as CD ran. CC flew over and the four of them walked into Raven's purple teleportation tunnel. Raven looked back at the ruins.

Kory stood with her hand cradling her throat, Gar was helping Jaime stand, and Y/n stood silent with one arm crossed over his chest. "Goodbye." Raven echoed, looking back as she ventured into the Lion's den. Jaime's fist flew forward and a dart shot at Cyborg, who short circuited and fell to the ground, the demon expelling from him. "Get him inside." Kory said.

The portal opened, and CD, CF and Raven exited onto a large concrete platform in the middle of nowhere. A staircase towered as a ring was at the top, a giant ring formed around the whole contraption, the center being the smaller circle. Above the large circle, A Corrupt Superman floated, his arms crossed as his cape flowed in the wind. He flew over to the group, his four red eyes over his red skin, just like everyone else. "Your father awaits." He told Raven, holding his hand for her.

Rachel swatted his hand away. "Don't touch me." She flew up the stairs, standing on the platform inside the small circle. She looked into the sky, a storm overtaking the area as dark clouds flooded in. Trigon's massive four red eyes glowed, "There had better be no trickery this time, girl, if you want any mercy shown your friends." Trigon's voice boomed. "No tricks." Raven saud, fighting against the strong wind. "Look, I'm begging you. Leave this world alone." Rachel pleaded.

Trigon's eyes widened. "And thwart destiny? We were meant to be together. Always. And we shall!" Trigon disappeared and purple electricity sparked in Raven's arms as they were drawn away from her The electricity fed into the smaller circle, lighting up small carvings. Then it swelled to the large circle as the storm raged, causing the outer ring's supports to crumble, along with everything else, so that all that stood was the two rings, and their energy source suspended in the middle.

The inner layer of the outer ring began to glow purple, spinning so it was perpendicular to the outer lager. Both layers started to spin, the rubble forming into another circle that spun at a forty five degree angle, the shape now resembling an atom.

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