Chapter 15.0

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I wasn't sure about posting this chapter because it's on a difficult subject. That being sexual assault. If you don't want to read this chapter, you don't have to. I've censored it as much as I could, and it's only vaguely mentioned in two or three other places. So, read forward at your own risk. 

Section 1

    Y/n Wayne was currently fighting through a building as Nightwing. Some of the Joker gang was holed up in this building, and Harley Quinn was there managing. As far as Y/n knew, it was a drug lab. He punched one of the workers in the jaw and the man fell. He brought his forearm into another guy's nose. There were rows of tables on either side of him. And in front of him were a group of Joker thugs. He pushed the one he hit in the nose, knocking him and two others down. He spun, kicking his feet out to kick two men in the face.

Nightwing came down on top of another henchmen, digging his knee into the man's chest. One last man remained, he grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him into one of the tables, dragging him face first through the drug lab equipment. He stood up, having taken out all the workers. He saw one last person standing at the end of the tables. "Hiya sonny! Heard you was back. Looking for Deathstroke, too, nonetheless. Big prize." Harley Quinn stood there, holding her bat over her shoulder. "I'm not who you think I am." "You ain't boy wonder? Makes sense, he died a few years back." Y/n walked closer, circling around so her back was to the lab tables.

Harley looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You do seem familiar though." "You know me all too well." She looked at him in shock as she realized the identity of the boy. "Y/n Wayne..." He didn't say anything. "That wasn't me who took ya', it was Mista J." "I don't want to hear it! You know exactly what happened." "I couldn't have stopped him." "It's not about what you didn't do. It's what you did."

Section 2

Young Y/n Wayne was tied to a chair. The thirteen year old boy had fallen unconscious from pain. He had a cut across his cheek, and his white dress shirt was torn and stained in bloody cuts. He had a darker and larger hole in his side. The edges of his shirt were burned, and a bullet was lodged in his gut. Or, was lodged. They removed it. And his first initial was branded into the left side of his chest.

A feminine figure stood in front of him, and slapped him in the face. He woke up, seeing Harley Quinn standing over him. "Wh-What are y-you doing here?" He asked. Harley excitedly jumped on him, sitting in his lap. He groaned in pain, his right leg twitching. "Ooh, sorry. How's the leg?" "Please, just get it over with. What are you gonna do this time? Cut me? Pull my nails, hit me, shoot me, electrocute me, burn me, brand me? Please just get it over with." "I ain't gonna hurt you. I just got an itch that needs scratching." She put her hands forward, pressing a cloth to Y/n's face.

When he opened his eyes he felt groggy. His vision came into focus and he was staring at someone's bare stomach. He could make out a tattoo that he was unable to read moving up and down at a slow pace. "What's happening?" He asked, struggling under a weight holding him down and the ropes tying him in place.

A voice above him shushed him. "It's okay, just relax." "What are you doing?" His voice was panicked. A hand grabbed his arm, squeezing hard as he tried to pull away. He was looking around scared, trying to find what was happening.

His consciousness fading in and out was in no way aiding his investigation. And when a tan leathery fabric pressed against his face he couldn't see anything. He only felt the nails digging into his back, and the wet leather fabric sliding up and down his body. No, not fabric. Skin.

Y/n suddenly realized what was happening. Harley Quinn had unbuttoned his shirt, pulled his pants down and... you know exactly what she was doing. Y/n's breathing sped up, as a sinking feeling of panic flooded him. "No, p-please stop. I don't want-please stop."

Son Of The Bat (Son of Batman Reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now