Chapter 9.4

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Y/n looked up as the ball Trigon was trapped in shook, "release me!" Guess things weren't over yet.

"Bet you wish you had taken my offer now, eh, wanker?" Constantine smiled. He turned to Batman, "we're gonna talk when this is done. Now, what's the bloody plan?"

They looked over as Diana and Kory carried Barry in. Hawkman, Mera, and Martian Manhunter followed them. Diana sat Barry down against fallen rubble.

"Vic," Batman asked, "do we have a way out?"

"Working on it."

They looked up as Superman crashed back in, and John raised his hand, a rune shielding them all from falling debris. Superman flew back, Darkseid knocking him into the ground near Y/n and Rachel.

Clark shot his heat vision, knocking Darkseid away again. He flew up, punching Darkseid back.

Y/n and Rachel approached the group, their hands intertwined. Y/n pulled away as he faced his father. Bruce hugged him, "blue looks good on you. Those things I said..."

"I know," Y/n said. "I saw mom, and the others. We all know it wasn't you. We'll see them again someday."

They looked at Cyborg, who said, "I've relinked with the Mother Box. I can transport you off the station, and bring back the Paradooms. Then I send Apokolips to no destination at all. Darkseid is trapped with his monsters forever."

Clark and Darkseid were still trading blows, the former throwing him out of the palace again, pursuing.

"We're not leaving Clark behind," Bruce protested.

"That won't work," Vic argued. "Darkseid needs to be distracted for me to do my thing."

Constantine looked around, before noticing all eyes on him, "yeah, yeah, let me think. Still pissed at you."

He pointed at Batman before going back to his thinking pose: one hand on his hip, the other gripping his chin. He looked up as he heard Trigon straining in his cage.

"You can't be serious," Rachel said, her hood back up.

Constantine smiled, "uh-huh."

"On second thought," Rachel smiled, too, looking at Y/n, "that's perfect."

"All together now."

They reached their hands out, chanting together, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Superman tanked a hook from Darkseid, the two grabbing each other by the throat. Both of their eyes began to glow as they charged up their vision.

"You have spirit, Kryptonian," Darkseid laughed. "But the strength of a lost love is only—"

A beam of energy knocked Darkside away. Clark looked over to see Trigon, floating in all his demonic power.

"Go!" He ordered, pursuing Darkseid. "Unless you would fight me for the right to destroy him."

Superman took the chance to fly away as Darkside dug himself out of the concrete spire he was bladred into.

"And now, new god," Trigon spat, "let's see who shall rule. And who shall serve!"

As their fists connected, hundreds of boom tubes in the sky opened, dumping paradooms into the air.

"Okay, bus is leaving," Cyborg opened a boom tube for all of them. "There'll be no better time."

Most of them started running through, until Constantine and Diana stopped, the latter asking, "Victor?"

"Can't come," he answered flatly.

John shrugged, "download your consciousness into a mother cube, or whatnot."

"It doesn't work like that, genius. Now leave, before these assholes realize they're gonna be trapped here forever."

"Cheers," Constantine nodded, the two of them stepping into the portal.

Y/n and Rachel were the last ones. She stopped in her tracks, making him look back.

"Go on," she said, "I'm right behind you."

Y/n grabbed her hand, "I'm not leaving you again."

She smiled, the two of them looking up as Trigon was above them, throwing Darkseid away.

"What a wonderful gift, daughter."

He turned to Y/n, "you see that her life is comfortable."

"I'd have nothing else," he replied.

Trigom turned back to Rachel, "Be well."

Rachel smiled, "goodbye, Father."

She watched as he flew away, before grabbing Y/n's hand and walking with him through the boom tube.

"Looks like I get the last word," Cyborg said, still trapped in his wall. "Suck it, bitches."

His forehead began to glow, as a giant boom tube opened above Trigon and Darkseid. The latter screamed, "no!"

He tried to run, but Trigon grabbed him, laughing as he dragged Darkseid towards the portal.

"You're mad! No!"

The boom tube grew, sucking up the planet like a black hole. Piece by piece, rock by rock. Until the molten core exploded with blinding light, completely being sucked back into the boom tube.

The heroes had gathered at the ruins of Titan Tower, sitting by the beach. Mera, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter. Jason and Kory sat together, embracing each other like old friends.

Constantine took a drag from his cigarette, standing by the Flash. He looked up at Diana and Clark, following her gaze to Batman.

Clark stood up, Diana facing Bruce, "what news?"

"Even though the planet reapers were stopped before they finished, the damage was done."

"How bad?" Clark asked.

"We lost 31% of the Earth's molten core. The planet's rotation is compromised."

Diana bowed her head, "the smallest change either way will mean freezing or burning."

Bruce nodded, "my best estimate is another billion deaths before we can get anything under control. Provided we can."

Clark sighed, "Okay, I know everyone's been through hell, but we can't quit. The Justice League doesn't quit."

Everybody looked at him, "if we work together we can do this. We can save the planet."

John threw away his cigarette, looking down at Barry, "you know what you have to do, mate. Clear the board, start again."

"Another Flashpoint? I promised Iris before she..." Barry huffed, looking down, "I can't."

"Yeah," Constantine stuffed his hands into his pockets, "figured you'd say that."

Barry looked back up, "everything would change. Again."

John put his hand on Barry's shoulder, "and some of those changes may be shite. And we may make the same mistakes again. It won't be perfect..."

Constantine looked around, at everybody in shambles, "but it'll be a long sight better than what we got now."

Barry sighed, standing up, lightning sparking across his eyes. He kneeled down, getting into a runner's position. And then he took off, running as fast as he could, running to Iris. Until he broke the sound barrier, an explosion sounding.

Everybody sat up, looking. They would try again. And they would not fail. They couldn't.

Y/n and Rachel stood closest to the water, leaning into each other. Y/n held her hand, "I'm glad that we get to venture into whatever's next together."

Rachel smiled, kissing him one last time, "I love you, Y/n Wayne."

"I love you, Rachel Roth."

She shook her head, "Rachel Wayne. Even if it's just pretend, Rachel Wayne."

"It's not pretend to me," he said, holding her like she might disappear if he let go. "I love you, Rachel Wayne."

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