Chapter 2.0

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Jason POV

            I woke up lying on concrete. It was cold and I was wearing my Robin suit. My feet were bare, and I felt a gap on my eye mask. I was also tied up. I heard the sharp clicks of dress shoes approach. Joker stood over me, a crowbar in his hand.

            He began to hit me over and over. “That's all you got?” I asked and he hit me again, dropping his smile for a brief second. He hit me everywhere. The torso, the legs, the head. "What hurts more? One?" Crunch. "Two?" Crunch. "Forehand." Crunch. "Backhand." He hit me over and over. I was disoriented. He mumbled but my ears were ringing too much to hear. Then he left out a door. I pushed myself to my knees, but I was too weak and fell.

            I tried to crawl to the door. I lifted my hand to the handle but it was locked. I heard a ticking and looked to the source. "Oh no, no, no, no..." Boom!

3rd Person:

    Batman searched through the rubble of a freshly bombed building. He found what he was looking for: Robin. He held the dying boy in his arms, as fire burned the rubble around him. He watched as his son, Jason Todd died in his arms.

    Y/n, still six sat at the kitchen table with Dick Grayson. Dick was watching the little boy color pictures of Batman and Robin. The boy was absolutely thrilled when he first found out his dad and brothers were the legendary heroes. And he knew one day his turn would come.

    Y/n looked up at Dick. "When are Dad and Jason coming home?" "I don't know, bud. They're busy helping people." Dick replied. "I'm gonna be Robin someday." Y/n stood on the floor now, play fighting invisible bad guys. Dick laughed at the naivety of his younger brother. His phone rang, and he walked around the kitchen, out of Y/n's ear shot. "Bruce, what's up?" "Jason's dead. The sick bastard tortured him. He spray-painted his body, defaced him. And then he killed him." Bruce said, stopping Dick in his tracks. "What?" All Dick heard was the tone that let him know Bruce hung up.

    Bruce was in the batcave. He was punching a wooden post with rope wrapped around it. His fists were bleeding. "Bruce." Selina walked up to him. "Bruce, stop." She said as he finally stopped and turned to Selina. She put her hands on his shoulders, his bloody hands covering her arms. Selina pulled his cowl back, wiping away his tears only for new ones to replace them. "I got you. Let it out. You can fall apart, just for tonight. I promise to hold you together." Bruce fell to the ground, Selina still wrapped around him tightly.

    Dick walked in, seeing the husband and wife. He knew Selina had Bruce, so he was left to be the bearer of bad news. Dick walked back up to the kitchen where Y/n was still play-fighting. "Y/n?" Dick asked, crouching down as his younger brother walked up to him. "What's wrong, Dick?" Y/n asked, seeing the tears in his brother's eyes.

    Dick swallowed, "I'm sorry buddy, Jason's not coming home." "What do you mean? Where is he?" Y/n asked. "He's gone, he's in heaven, okay? He-Jason's dead." "What do you mean dead?" Y/n asked, not understanding, but subconsciously realizing something was wrong as he teared up. "Do you remember those stories about The Joker?"

    Young Y/n nodded. "The Joker took Jason, and he hurt him. He made Jason go to heaven, do you understand?" "He's gone?" Y/n asked. "He can't be gone. He always comes home. He can't-" "I'm so sorry, Y/n. But Jason is gone" Dick said, the words getting caught in his throat. He tried to censor it as much as he could, but Y/n needed to know. The boy began to cry, letting out loud sobs that hurt Dick's ears.

    Still the older brother wrapped his arms around his younger sibling, allowing the boy to cry it out. Jason let his guard down around Y/n, and the two brothers became very close. And seeing Y/n so distraught ate Dick up inside. But he held himself together for his brother.

     Selina Kyle stood, holding her son Y/n in her arms. Tears streaked down the boy's face, and welling in his mother's eyes. Dick, Barbara, Cass and Alfred were there, too. But yet, Bruce was missing. It was the funeral for Jason Todd.

    After the funeral, Selina sat in an armchair in the living room. Cass, Dick, and Barbara were spread around the room, too. Y/n lie on her arms, looking forward absent-mindedly. It was eerily quiet. Nobody wanted to talk, but it helped being in the same room, knowing they weren't alone. "Mommy?"

    Selina was rubbing her thumb along her son's arm. "Yes, N/n?" "Why do bad things keep happening to us? Cassie had her injury. And Dick's mommy and daddy, and grandma and grandpa, and Jay-Jay all went to heaven. Sometimes you or daddy come home hurt. Why?" Y/n asked, a question he didn't understand the answer it entailed, but one he asked. Because he was tired of being worried for his family. "I-"

    Selina choked on her words, thinking of an answer suitable for him. "There are a lot of bad people in Gotham, N/n, and they try to hurt others. Our job is to protect them. And that means those bad people try to hurt us, too. And sometimes they win, but we keep fighting. We have to. But I promise, as long as I live I'll keep the bad things away from you."

1 Year Later

    Y/n was seven now, and he stood eagerly in the batcave. He normally wasn’t allowed in there, but he was today. Somehow Jason was revived, the details had been dumbed down for Young Y/n. All he was told is that Jason is angry at Bruce, and he was fighting him. And that Jason is now the Red Hood, but that he’s also ready to come home today. So Y/n stood next to his mother, waiting for the car.

    The Batmobile slowed to a stop, and a man on a motorcycle stopped shortly after. Batman stepped out of his car, leaning against it as another man stepped off the bike. It was a man wearing a brown leather jacket and a red hoodie. He wore a red bat-symbol on his chest with a matching red helmet. He took the helmet off, setting it on his bike. The man turned to face the boy, a red domino mask covering his face. The man had a white stripe in the front of his messy hair.

    Y/n looked at the man, anxious, scared and excited. The man took off the second mask, and Y/n saw what he thought he’d never see again. The face of his fifteen year old brother. Jason dropped to his knees, tears forming in his eyes. Y/n ran forward, hugging his brother. “I like your hair.” Y/n mumbled. And those words, the first words he heard from his favorite person, caused Jason to completely break down into a crying mess. “Why are you crying, Jay-Jay?” Y/n asked. “I just really missed you, is all.” Jason said, petting the boy’s hair. “Don’t ever leave again.” The boy said. “I won’t, never again. I love you, Y/n."

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