Chapter 3: Tense Reunions - Pt. 1

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|| Story Note: Reader is now Rogue Class ||


The sounds of fists meeting skin and pained groans echoed through the prison halls. Blood splatted to the dirtied ground of Archibald's prison cell. Another fist, another blow, another pained sound. For Captain Stonefell, it was a lucky day as he grinned, chuckling as he rubbed his bloodied fists.

"The idea' of you mangy lot thinkin' you're some heroes of some 'grand story'...! Gah! There's no room for heroes in Whitestone..."

Stonefell let another punch land, smirking as Archibald's grin was wiped off his face by the blow. The chains on the dwarf's wrists and ankles rattled as his body recoiled from the hit. Today was lucky. There was nothing Stonefell enjoyed more than destroying the lights out of one of his prisoner's eyes. He'd see that this "rebel leader" would end up the same before Archibald was set to hang. Maybe even worse. Stonefell turned, continuing to belittle the beaten dwarf behind him.

"Your rebellions' a mess. We know all about your spy. The 'Kestrel'..."

Stonefell chuckled again, turning back to face Archibald with his brow furrowed.

"Now, tell me where I can find the rest of you louts!"

Archibald took a breath, chuckling weakly. Everything hurt. Ribs, arms, face. Definitely the face. But his grin was a clear sign he wasn't out yet.

"You're not very good at this..."

A spittle of blood flew through the air, landing square on Stonefell's shirt. For a man who enjoyed getting his hands dirty, Stonefell let out a small gruntle of disgust. But only for a moment before he rubbed the stain with his thumb, licking the blood off with an envious smirk.

"Eheheh...if you won't take me seriously, meet the Duke..."

From the shadows, a pair of thundering footsteps came forth. Duke Vedmire was a man of intimidating strength, his arms clad with muscle under the golden armour he wore. It was clear he has been the unfortunate fate of many in Whitestone. And Captain Stonefell was more than eager to see what he would do to the chained dwarf.

"He's as serious as they- eh?"

Stonefell barely caught the small movement that appeared behind the Duke. A dark shape settled against the farthest wall of the cell. The cloak they bore was dark, tattered at the ends, and their armor was light but effective. They were meant to slink in the dark, unseen until the final moments. Two handaxes with wicked serrated blade-heads rested on either side. Their (H/C) hair remained untamed, and their eyes, (E/C) mixed with a sickly yellow glow, looked onwards with precision and obedience. Stonefell felt sick just looking at them.

"Ehhh...why the hell did you bring her along? I thought the bitch was supposed to be with the Lord and Lady."

"They personally requested I bring her." The Duke merely mentioned, uninterested at the tension between the disgruntled Captain and the silent rogue. "With the rebel leader here, Lady Briarwood saw it fit I give you another pair of eyes."

"I don't fucking need her help!" Stonefell countered, seething. Did the Lady not think he could handle this on his own?! He had guards stationed in every hall, every entrance and exit! The entire rebellion would kill itself just trying to knock on the front door!

"She's been told to be are your disposal." The Duke wanted to roll his eyes. "Now, if you're done..."

Archibald made a choked gasp as Vedmire's huge hand gripped his throat, lifting him from the ground and pressing him against the bloodied stone wall. (Y/n) watched carefully, her arms crossed and making no other move.

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