Chapter 4: Capture

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|| Story Notes: Chapter was changed to a new title instead of a Part 1 ||


(Y/N) stood quietly, the dining hall that had been so loud just a few minutes ago now eerily quiet. She had desperately wished that the dinner guests had struggled a little more. Even run faster. Then again, maybe she should have let them run a bit longer. Enjoy the chase around the elegant room.

But no. The Briarwoods were strict with their instructions. Keep them in the room. Keep them from escaping. You stood at the only exit while the Briarwoods ate with the guests. It was a pleasure to see her Lord and Lady perform. Lady Delilah's dark magics were truly a sight, blackened tendrils of power sending unimaginable amounts of pain through the guests' bodies. And Lord Sylas's unbridled ferocity...even (Y/N) feared to be on the opposing end of his fangs.

The bodies were still intact, donned with their outfits and makeup. Granted, bloodied. A little girl with blond hair and a wooden necklace lay quietly on the floor. A larger man painted in shades of grey was propped against the wall, bleeding from his mouth. A lady with raven black hair and a blue feather sticking out of it was motionless, eyes still open. Several other bodies covered the dining room. But intact. Lady Delilah was in the center of the room, using a handkerchief to wipe some of the blood off her husband's face. Vedmire had been called to pick up the bodies, along with a few guards. But there was one that (Y/N) couldn't stop staring at.

His glasses were broken from the heavy impact he took. He was tall and lanky, probably would have towered over (Y/N). His blue outfit was ripped, with shallow cuts marking his exposed skin before the killing blow was delivered to his neck. His hair was messily coloured snow white. Snow... (Y/N) felt a shiver pass through her skin, but...why?

"...If I may, Lady Briarwood?"

Lady Delilah stood only a few paces away, now admiring her and her husband's handiwork. When (Y/N)'s voice arose, she turned to her trusted assassin, nodding for her to go on.

"You never explained what the point of this event was. It's...different of you."

Lady Delilah merely smiled, walking over to (Y/N) with ease. Even stepping over the body of another child donned in purple clothing and brown hair.

"You'll learn one day to understand the importance of sending a message, (Y/N)." Delilah spoke cooly, placing her hand on the rogue's shoulder. "A strong message can rattle even the bravest, down to their bones. It shows the coward they really are, lying under all that armour."

Delilah's grip on (Y/N) shoulder tightened as she forced her rogue to meet her gaze. It was calm, collected, but icy.

"And it shows what happens to those who think it wise to betray fail. Take a good look, (Y/N). This is what happens to anyone who believes they can turn their back on us."

After a few moments, Lady Briarwood let go of her hold on (Y/N). Delilah looked at the broken body of the white haired man, making a small sound that resembled a hidden laugh before turning away. (Y/N) swore she could have felt the crackling of her dark magic still lingering on her. She turned her attention back to the white-haired man. Familiarity still struck her...but it was pale in comparison to the fear that grew in her. To fail was to die. To betray was to die. To disobey was to die...

And what reason did she have to disobey? She had so much to thank the Briarwoods for. They saved her from the abandonment of the De Rolos, of bleeding to death in the snow. They forgave her for allowing the De Rolo siblings to escape. They saw her worthy of saving. She would be a fool to fail.

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