Chapter 3: Tense Reunions - Pt. 2

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(Y/n) loved it when her hopes were answered.

The gargled sound of choking on blood was music to her. Red splattered against the walls of the prison hallway as another rebel fell to the ground, twitching before going limp. (Y/n) grinned, looking down the torchlit halls. She had been on the other side of the prison when Hell broke loose. Rebels had run rampant through the halls, some that had been freed from their cells and others that had stormed the prison. No doubt for Archibald.

It didn't matter. They would die for a pathetic cause all the same.

(Y/n) ran through the halls, her handaxes gripped tight. Bodies of dead Pale Guard and rebel scum alike littered the halls. In a way, the rebels too were like Captain Stonefell; loud, incapable of stealth. Did they want to get noticed?

No use in wondering over corpses. (Y/n) had to focus. She couldn't let the rebels escape with Archibald. The punishment from The Briarwoods would be...severe... And the punishments from Stonefell on top of it all...

Where the hell was Stonefell to begin with? (Y/n) hadn't seen him since he had threatened her earlier. She cursed under her breath, rounding the corner before pausing. The sounds of fighting were louder down the hall ahead. More bodies covered the floor, mostly Pale Guard. Some were impaled with arrows, others by what she could guess were axe blows from the gruesome wounds. And were those...vines?

(Y/n) gripped her weapons tight, running towards the sounds of battle. There was no reason for her to be stealthy. Just be quick and precise. As taught. As instructed.

Sure enough, the next corner confirmed her quarry. Rebels armed with swords and axes fought against a wave of Pale Guard. Grunts of pain and struggle sung as metal clashed. The rebels were so busy on what was ahead of them, they didn't know about the Briarwoods' Assassin behind them.


(Y/n) grinned as her handaxe flew threw the air, landing its serrated blade into the back of a rebel. The rebel screamed in agony before the second handaxe found his throat, cutting it open. The rest of the rebels turned, and the rogue could see the overwhelming fear and recognition in their eyes. (Y/n) was known well for her carnage, and she wasn't about to let her reputation die out.

Blood splattered against the stone walls. The Pale Guard continued their assault, swords thrust into chests and limbs as (Y/n) picked them off. Speckles of red dotted her face as she swung her blades. A torchlight was knocked off the wall, going out as it hit the ground. The hall plunged into darkness. The last rebel was kicked back against the wall. Before he could move, a jagged blade dug into his shoulder.


The second handaxe was shoved into his open mouth, shutting up the screams. (Y/n) grinned wickedly. This man, who chose to take part in a fruitless raid, stared up at her with fear in his eyes. Tears ran down his cheeks as the edged blade cut into his tongue. The Pale Guard that remained made no move, watching silently at the Assassin.

"I'll admit this, rebel." (Y/n) spoke coolly, moving the handaxe in his mouth just to hear the whimpers. "You're rather brave...and pathetically stupid."

(Y/n) gripped the handaxe stuck in his shoulder, ripping it out and leaning close.

"It'll be hard to pray to your Gods without a tongue, won't it?"

With a sudden jerk, her handaxe ripped out from his mouth. Blood splattered out as the man screamed, his tongue sliced in half like a snake's forked tongue. The scream lasted for a second before (Y/n) swung her handaxe up. The jagged axehead made contact with his chin, splitting it and shutting the cries for a second time. The man went limp, slumping over as the axe was called back. (Y/n) took a look down at the body for a silent moment... He deserved it. He deserved it. They all did.

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