Chapter 7: Something Wicked... Pt. 2

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The sounds of bullets against metal rang clear. (Y/n) looked up, taking in the moon-lit room. Anders stood at the far end, watching in glee as 4 huge metal-clad humanoids attacked Percy, who barely looked like he was holding his own as he was backed against a wall. How did these guards get into the room?!

"Hey dickhead!!" (Y/n) screamed as she ran to the closest Metal Guardian. She gave into her instincts, allowing herself to move fluidly. She narrowly ducked under a mace that swung for her head before she leapt, grabbing at the Guardian's head and slicing at the its helmet. The hit against armour rang with a shrill cry, but not even a dent was made. The Guardian's  hand reached back, grabbing at (Y/n)'s cape and ripping her off, throwing her back. She cursed as she rolled, quickly getting back to her feet. She wasted no time, rushing back into the brawl. The distraction allowed Percy to move off the wall, shooting at the guards. The two went on the attack, but no matter how hard they hit, the metal Guardians were undeterred.

"The fuck are these things?!"

"Anders is controlling them!"

"And how do we kill-" (Y/n) gagged as one of the Guardians grabbed at her throat, lifting her up. She cursed, swinging her axe into its armoured arm to no avail. She struggled, gasping for air.

"Oi! Head's up!"

A flash was caught in the moonlight as a spinning dagger hit the side of the Guardian's head. The hit made the armour drop (Y/n), catching her breath as Vax ran forth, grabbing his dagger back and facing the behemoth.


"You can thank me when you're not dead after this!" Vax replied without looking back. Looking up, (Y/n) spotted Vex'ahlia and Grog running into the room, straight into battle.

(Y/n) grinned, grabbing her axe and returning to the fray. Grog was an exceptional addition to the fight, his strength rivalling those of the Guardians. Even Keyleth joining in her tiger form was a formidable match. But still, the Guardians remained unscratched, unrelenting.

"As much as I loathed having to teach you," Anders voice rang out, catching (Y/n)'s attention as she narrowing dodged an axe blow for her torso. "I'll relish watching you get skinned alive!"

(Y/n) turned, seeing Anders attention was elsewhere. (Y/n) followed his gaze, seeing Percy getting backed into the wall by a Guardian. His bullets ricocheted off the shining armour uselessly. The Guardian wordlessly grabbed him by the throat, slamming Percy into the wall.

"Percy!!" (Y/n) felt her body move. Running towards the Guardian with a fury. She darted to the side, analyzing quickly. If the armour couldn't be penetrated...then underneath it was an viable target if she could find an opening! The arm holding Percy was stretched out, the shoulder exposed. Only...there was no skin, no person inside. Everything clicked.

Anders wasn't controlling a person. He was controlling an object! One that can fall apart!

(Y/n) raised her handaxe, bringing it down with a cry at the shoulder. There was a splintering of wood as the wood gave way, the arm falling to the floor with a strong thud. Percy gasped, holding his neck as he looked down at the arm. (Y/n) and Percy then looked at each other, their eyes widening as it clicked in both their heads, speaking in unison.

"The slats!"

(Y/n) smiled, helping Percy to his feet and and turning back to the fight. The rest of the team had seen (Y/n)'s attack, and understood immediately. With the new strategy in mind, everyone began to attack the openings of the Guardians, aiming for in between their armour.

The Guardian that was disarmed faced the pair, a mace still in its other grip. (Y/n) and Percy locked eyes, nodding in understanding. Moving in unison, they both darted forward. (Y/n) took the first shot, purposely bashing the blade of her axe against its arm to grab its attention. (Y/n) watched as Percy ran around, grabbing onto the mace as the Guardian raised it over its head. Percy let go as the mace crashed down, sending splinters of wooden floor that (Y/n) narrowly dodged. Percy landed onto the shoulders of the Guardian, shoving his pepperbox into the exposed opening of its neck and shooting. Smoke came out from the shot and the Guardian's head blew off, clunking to the ground. As the rest of the armour fell, Percy merely rode down, stepping off of it with a tad bit of flair in his step.

What Once Was Lost - Percy De Rolo x Fem!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن