Chapter 7: Something Wicked... Pt. 1

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|| Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank those who have been reading up this point! If you're just joining now or have been reading since Chapter 1, you guys have been incredibly kind and encouraging and I'm loving making this story for you all to enjoy! I hope we can stick it through to the end! Thank you all so much for all the love and support! ||

|| A lot happens in this chapter, wooo boy. ||


It was completely reasonable to think that with all the guards outside gone, there would only be at least a few inside that would be startled by the arrival of Vox Machina, right?

Apparently not.

"It's a trap." Grog admitted as he now stood before several Pale Guard with arrows at the ready after breaking down the door...after declaring that, quote; "Not everything is a trap." The rest of team was behind him, tensing at the sudden predicament. (Y/n) tensed up, gripping her handaxes in her hands. Although, there was a startling realization that took hold of her at the very last second.

How the hell was she supposed to use these things? The (Y/n) that was under the Briarwoods' control, she knew how to use these weapons!

There wasn't time to think it through. The crossbows went loose, arrows flying into the goliath. As they pierced his skin, he merely grinned and laughed, going into a trigger-happy rage. He climbed up the upper level of the hall, completely ignoring the stairs as he grabbed at any Pale Guard he can reach, blood from his axe painting the walls.

Vox Machina followed his lead, rushing forward. Keyleth summoned a huge pillar of earth in the center of the room, creating a vantage point above for Vex'ahlia and a place to shield from oncoming arrows below. Vax'ildan ran around, his daggers out and expertly find their mark in the bodies of Pale Guard that attacked. (Y/n) and Percy stayed close, the artificer loading his gun, but his eyes searching for different prey while he hid behind the pillar. (Y/n) held her axes tight, movement catching the corner of her eye.

A Pale Guard had gotten knocked down from the top floor, but was still on his feet. His bow was up and arrow was stung in, aiming for the two of them. Something snapped.

(Y/n) felt her body moving on its own. The arrow flew through the air, almost in slow motion. (Y/n) growled, one axe raised in a defensive position. She could see it clearly, and swung her axe down, cutting the arrow in half mid-air. In the same motion, (Y/n) took her second axe over her shoulder and threw it with all her might. The axe arched in the air, spinning before meeting the metal helmet of the Guard. It split through like butter, blood splattering out of his head as he fell to the ground limply. More arrows hit the ground from above. (Y/n) blinked. Did she that?

(Y/n) looked back, seeing Percy staring at her with wide eyes. The sound of battle filled the air around them.

"That...was impressive."

"I had no clue I could even do that!"

Percy grinned, thankful that whatever (Y/n) did learn was on his side now. "Well, whatever you're doing, don't stop now!"

(Y/n) smirked back, looking around the pillar for an opening. It was too risky to get her other hand-axe now, she'd have to settle for the single one-handed weapon. The Pale Guard were busy with the rest of Vox Machina. (Y/n) looked back to Percy, seeing his form tense up. She barely caught the word he muttered under his breath.


(Y/n) crouched closer, looking around Percy. One man on the top floor stood out like a sore thumb amongst the Pale Guard. A rather round man with pale white clothing, wearing glasses and a look of disgruntled disappointment as he tried to escape the fight unnoticed. (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed. She remembered well how fondly Percy spoke of him all those years ago. Now, his voice shook with anger, and rightly so. Anders had Cassandra somewhere in the building.

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