Chapter 9: The Hordes of the Dead

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|| You know how hard it is to smush a whole action packed episode into a single chapter? ||


(Y/n) would have thought the signal would have done its trick. But the streets appeared more barren than they were before. Even the Pale Guard seemed to be absent. She would think there would already be some sort of rebel uprising, unless Archibald was gathering every single rebel in the city underground. It would have put her on edge...if Percy's hand still wasn't intertwined with hers.

He hadn't let go since Vox Machina had left the manor, heading towards the rebellion's headquarters. Not that she wanted Percy to let go. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was nice. More than nice, if she were to admit it. Her heart thummed happily in her chest for the first time in a while.  She gave his hand a squeeze, and Percy would silently squeeze back. (Y/n) could just catch the hint of a smile on him as the team walked through the empty streets. The De Rolo crest still hung high in the sky, alit by moonlight.

"The rebels should be gathering if they saw the symbol."

"Maybe we shouldn't have announced ourselves with such...flair." Vex noted, frowning slightly as she walked beside Grog, who continued to carry Cassandra for the time being. But Keyleth was much more optimistic.

"Well, we wanted the people to know the resistance is still alive, right?"

"I thought it was wonderful, Keyleth!" (Y/n) felt herself speak up, looking up to the auburn-haired druid. "I can't even remember the last time I saw stars, let alone the Twin Moons...It's time we tell the Briarwoods we aren't scared of them anymore."

Keyleth's smile widened even moreso, looking quite flattered and proud by the words of encouragement. Percy smiled softly, nodding in agreement.

"It certainly is a start...The town still looks far from what I remember it be, however."

(Y/n) looked back at him, offering her own comforting smile.

"It'll get better. Once we end this."

Percy looked back, nodding with a determined look in his eyes. He set his jaw, looking ahead. His hand gently squeezed and his pace slowed slightly until the two were a little ways behind the group.

"How are you?" Percy asked, his voice lowered slightly. He sounded so concerned for her... (Y/n) could have sworn her heart did several flips.

"I'm...I'm feeling better, actually." (Y/n) replied, confidence growing as she spoke. "I'll be fine...but I hope I can talk to Cassandra again once she's better. I don't want things to be...strained, I guess."

"I'm sure she'll understand." The white-haired gunslinger nodded, his stance easily and relaxed in her presence. "If I can, I'm sure she will too."

(Y/n) smiled, moving a bit closer to him until their shoulders brushed. As much as she wanted to keep quiet and enjoy him, there was something nagging at the back of her mind. Her eyes went down to his waist, his gun bumping against his hip as he walked. It was dangerous. When Percy held it, he became entirely different. And the smoke that came from him...she knew magic existed in this world, Delilah had proved that over and over, but this felt different. Just from the inside of his coat, she barely caught the black plague doctor mask hiding inside. This felt wrong.

"Percy...I meant to ask earlier."

Percy looked back, turning to (Y/n) as she spoke up.

"Back then...during the fight with Anders...and the prison, you had smoke coming off you. your body."

(Y/n) noticed the immediate change in his posture. His back straightened - no, it went rigid even - and he actually took his hand away from hers. The empty feeling in her fingers and palm followed quickly suit as he spoke, not meeting her gaze anymore. He turned away, suddenly guarded.

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