Chapter 2

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CHP: 2
The letter.


Summer break had already started when Lia was allowed out of the cupboard.

Lia made her way into the kitchen looking pale, almost white and there was a pinkish shade under her eyes.

The Dursleys gave her a few glasses of water every week and some food every 2 week.

"How long were you in that cupboard?" Lily questioned horrified at her daughter's appearance.

"I don't know about 4 weeks?" Lia questioned instead.

"What?!" Screamed both Hermione and Draco.

"Does he kno-" Lia interrupted Hermione with a stern look that had a shiver run up Hermione's spine.

"No and you won't tell him. He will for surely kill them then." Lia muttered the last part to herself. Although some heard.

"Okay first off, where are we?" James questioned pointing towards Lily, the rest of the marauders and himself.

"And secondly, who is he?" James voiced everyone's thought.

"Oh you don't want to know." Neville, Draco, Ron and Hermione chanted getting a deadpan look from Lia.

"He's not a bad guy." Lia commented.

"He threatened  to crucio Blaise into insanity when he found out he flirted with you." Draco exclaimed with a frustrated look.

"Okay He's not... that bad." Lia whispered.

"Okay who is he and what is he too you?" James asked eyes wide and with Sirius nodding along, just as curious on who he has to visit.

"Um... you'll find out. Later." Lia said hiding her face in Hermione's shoulder.

Lia ate a few pieces of food as she made breakfast when the Dursleys weren't looking.

The mail slot was heard as the mail arrived.

"Girl get the mail." Vernon grunted out without looking up from his news paper.

Lia went to the front door and picked up the post. She looked through them barely able to read from the hunger. There was a post card a thick envelope which looked to have money in it and lastly a heavy envelope with green writing on it.

"Is that what I think it is?" Lily asked with a smile spreading on her face.

"Yep." Lia replied popping the 'p'.

On the envelope in green ink was her name the house address and where she slept, under the cupboard but no stamp.

"You knew about her living situation?" Lily and a few others yelled in rage towards the teachers.

"The letters are written by a self addressing quill. We'll be going over them from now on." McGonagall informed the angry student. Although she herself was seething in anger silently.

Regardless of what people may think she has a soft spot for the marauders and -now Lia.

Lia frowned but nonetheless slipped the envelope under the cupboard door before returning to the kitchen.

"Took you long enough." Vernon snapped snatching the letter and envelope from her.

He grinned when he saw the money inside the envelope and showed Petunia.

"Payment's here." There always was a payment at random times which Lia couldn't understand.

"Is that?" Ron trailed of looking at Lia.

"Yes" Lia answered between a careless tone and a extremely cold glare.

After breakfast Lia cleaned up and did the rest of her chores. That night after cleaning up dinner Lia opened the letter addressed to her.


(Order of Merlin, First Grand Sorc, Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump. International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. L. Potter

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmaster

Lia wouldn't deny it, she was confused.

She read the enclosed list of necessities but didn't find any address.

What did they mean by 'owl'? Lia hid the letter under her mattress before going to sleep since it was already quite late.

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