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"Now before we retire, I have a few things to announce. First the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students, also our caretaker, Mr. Filch asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bound to everyone, who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Dumbledore announced sitting back down.

"What?!" Molly screeched at Dumbledore's speech.

"You put our kids in danger?" Lily asked quietly.

"Dumbledore if any harm comes to my daughter, I will be your nightmare." Lily warned glarring daggers at the old man.

"Come on." Pansy exclaimed excitedly.

All students stood up and exited the hall, the first years following their house prefect.

"Come on. Keep up." The female prefect, Gemma Farley called out to the first years.

The youngsters followed the two prefects. Pansy locked her arm with Lia as they walked side by side, Draco walking next to Lia.

Draco had observed Lia since dinner. He knew now that she was not pampered and spoiled by her guardians. He noted all the small details, such as her not eating more than half the food that was on her plate.

"Wow you picked up all that quickly." A student commented.

"Well I am a Malfoy we are taught how to read people since before we can walk." Draco stated not in a 'I'm better than you' attitude, more of that it's a fact.

The slytherin first years were led down to the dungeons where their common room resides.

Some of the student we're shivering because of the cold. Even Pansy and Draco were slightly shaking.

Lia seemed to be the only one not shaking.

"Lils are you okay?" Pansy questioned Lia, taking notice of the girls blueish lips yet not one shiver.

"Yeah?" Lia responded not understanding the brunettes concern.

"It's really cold and you're not even reacting." Draco pointed out.

"Oh I'm used to the cold." Lia told them.

Before either Draco or Pansy could say anything the group arived at a blank stone wall with a small snake carving in the corner.

"Come on this is the slytherin common room entry. Don't ever forget the password unless you want to be locked outside. If you do forget ask another slytherin or the head of house. Now once inside our head of house, Professor Snape will give his speech." Gemma informed everyone before turning back the stone wall and calling out the password.

When the first years stepped inside they all stopped shivering and started to look around in aw.


"That's the slytherin common room?"

"It's magnificent."

"Fit for royalty."

Comments were heard all over the hall. The slytherins looked proud or smug. They were truly honored to call slytherin their house.

"Everyone this is Professor Snape, he will be talking now." Gemma announced drawing everyone's attention to were the Professor was standing.

"Thank you. As Miss. Farley said, I'm Professor Snape and I teach potions. For those who don't know Slytherin is viewed as evil. Let me make myself clear on this.

Slytherin is not evil, the wizard and witches that came from slytherin does not define who we are.The other houses however does not realise this and will likely target some of you.

That is why the 1st rule is set. Never leave the common room alone. Always have a slytherin companion or a friend.Second any quarrels will be kept in the common room. Outside we stand united.

Third never bring anyone that's not from Slytherin into the common room, unless given permission from me.

That's all. Go up to your dormitories and settle in. Tomorrow morning there will be maps of the school on the table for the first years." Snape informs them gesturing toward a desk That's next to the couches.

"Wait, Snape gave a speech?" Sirius asked gobsmacked.

"Of coarse. It's mandatory for the head of house to inform the students of the house rules." Hermione states.

"But Minnie never give us a speech." Siruis frowned with a pout.

"That's because she doesn't have time. Between basically running the school and taking care of all the students I'm surprised she actually has time to teach." Lia mumbled the last part to herself.

"My de- Ms. Potter what do you mean?" Dumbledore corrected himself once he got multiple glares shot his way.

"Oh come on. You claim that you're soo busy but you just dump all your work on Professor McGonagall." Lia exclaimed.

"You must be mistaken." Dumbledore said, the twinkle in his eye diming.

"You don't do your job. I know this for a fact." Lia sneered at the old man making many wonder what he has done to the so called girl-who-lived.

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