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Transfiguration. That is the class Lia was in, carefully listening to the teacher, Professor McGonagall's lecture.

Professor McGonagall proceeded to turn her desk into a pig before transforming it back.

"Minnie!" The marauders yelled out seeing their favorite Professor.

"How many times have I told you four not to call me that." McGonagall sighed, hand over her face seeming to give up.

"If I remember correctly you were named after Professor McGonagall. Right?" A hufflepuff questioned Lia.

"Yeah." Lia nodded in confirmation.

"Oh yeah. I remember you told those two red heads and the dread lock one." Sirius voiced.

"Yeah I wanted to ask you but I didn't want to intrude." Narcissa spoke up.

Lia was sat infront of Narcissa next to Draco and Pansy.

"Oh no. It's okay Ci- uh Mrs. Malfoy." Lia stumbled not sure what to call her since they are in the past.

"It's okay darling. It seems we're close in the future so you may call me on my name." Narcissa informed Lia, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Okay back to the point. You were named after you parents and our TEACHER? No offense Minnie but what about me." Sirius yelled out a pout setting on his lips.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're my godfather." Lia informed before she turned to Draco.

Sirius seemed to brighten up a bit but the pout still remained.


"I think. I'm not s-"

Draco and Lia were whispering to each other. The hall stared at the two as they went back and forth.

"Okay." Lia exclaimed cutting Draco off mid sentence.

"You're my godfather but you also blood adopted me so I guess you're my second father... kind off." Lia trailed of unsure.

"WHAT?!" Sirius, James, Lily and Remus yelled.

James, Lily, Remus and even some teachers were staring in shock. Sirius' face morphed from shock to complete glee.

"I'M A FATHER!" Sirius yelled running around before making a bee-line towards Lia. He stepped on Regulus' foot and somehow managed to push Draco of his seat before he pick up his blood adopted daughter and twirling around with her.

Both Regulus and Draco glared at the energetic Black. Regulus had pulled his feet onto his seat while Draco was getting off the poor Ravenclaw he landed on.

Lia, still in the air being swinged around by the man child, had her hand to her mouth, nauseous.

No one noticed the light that flash nor the newcomers that stood watching the scene play out in amusement.

"Black put my daughter down!" Lily yelled scaring Sirius and a few others.

Once back on her feet Lia stumbled a bit. She most likely would of fallen over if it wasn't for Pansy.

"Well this seems interesting." One of the newcomers spoke up.

"You got that right." Another chuckled.

"It does seem fun." Came the last ones comment.

Everyone was now staring at the three newcomers in a mix of emotions.

"Fred! George! Luna!" Lia yelled sprinting towards the trio.

Everyone watched as the two identical twin caught Lia , the silverette next to them watching too.

The twins went to spin but received a glare. "Don't you dare." Lia warned the two causing them to slowly set her back on her feet.

"What are you two doing here?" Draco questioned hugging the silverette, Luna.

"Those two decided to prank the snake in his sour mood." Luna informed them.

"Yeah and he's been throwing hexes at us ever since." Fred began grumbling.

"So we decided we would come visit the past." George chirped.

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