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The Yule holiday flew by and now everyone's back at Hogwarts studying for the upcoming exams.

"Still nothing." Draco asked Lia who sat slumped over the library desk.

"No." He responds was muffled due to her head buried in her arms.

"Why don't we go there together tonight." Hermione suggested. The group displayed multiple facial expressions, fear and confusion included.

"Wait you want to go back?!" James yelled.

"We were curious." Lia shrugged, she was sat between Regulus and Pansy, with Draco sitting behind her with Blaise. The twins had joined the group and made themselves comfortable next to Rabastan earlier which confused a lot.

"Okay remember the plan." Hermione reminded everyone before she left for class.

Draco and Lia stood in the forbidden corridor waiting for the rest to show up. Both had their cloaks on and hoods up.

"Hey where's the rest?" Hermione asked slipping through the door.

"Don't know but I think Pansy got in trouble with Snape." Draco shrugged.

"What she do?"

"She tried to give him home made conditioner." Lia sighed.


"What?!" The Weasley twins exclaimed. They gawked at the brunette.

"What? His hair is giving me nightmares." Pansy shivered.

The three stopped talking when they heard footsteps outside the door. "Finally." Draco commented thinking Blaise or Theodore had arived.

The door swung open revealing Filch and Ms. Norris. A meow echoing throughout the empty corridor.

"What ar you three doing outa bed now." The man sneered glaring down at the three kids.

"Ah man I hate Filch." Fred groaned.

"Me too. He's a old miserable grumbled." George added.

"And he take it all out on the kids." Pansy whines.

"I still don't understand why his here." Lia trailed off glancing at where the said man stood sneering at everyone. Man he's worse than Snape.

"What do you mean , Lilliana?" Lucius asked a frown setting on his face.

"Well Filch is a squib why keep him around to clean a freaking castle when we have elves and charmed brooms and mops that could do it itself. Why put everything on a squib." Lia informed.

"Good question." Ms. Bones commented giving Dumbledore a side glance.

The three kids was being led by Filch towards Hagrid's hut, mumbling about the old detetions.

"You'll be spending your detention with Hagrid here in the dark forest." Filch chuckled as he walked back to the castle.

"But I thought the the forest was forbidden." Hermione frowned.

"It is but that's just how the old fools head works." Draco sighed.

"Hey now. Dumbledore ain't no fool. But I don't know what he was thinkin.

"Know we're lookin for a Unicorn. I found one awhile back. Half dead poor thing. Now we'll split up. Hermione ur with me and Malfoy ur with Lilliana." Hagrid told them before leafing with Hermione.

"Well let's go." Lia sighed as she jumped over a tree stump.

"I don't like this." Lily muttered gripping Marlene's hand.

A light shone brightly in the middle of the hall causing some to jump out of their seats.

"Lilliana Potter!" A brunette girl with crystal blue eyes yelled. The girls usual perfect hair was now knotted and stood out at odd angles.

"Astoria, what happened?" Lia asked as she stood up making her way towards her friend.

"You shouldn't have left." Astoria's blue eyes in slits glared daggers at Lia. Her eyes slowly softened as tears start to build in her eyes.

"He's so mean when your not there." Astoria cried as she flung herself onto her friend, sobbing onto her shoulder.

Lia gently ran her fingers through the sobbing girls hair trying to sooth her.

"Tori." Someone called out from behind Astoria as she gasp knowing who it is.

Letting out a quiet scream she jumped behind a group of students who happens to be Regulus, Rabastan, Rudolphus and Lucius.

"Astoria what are you doing." Lia asked her friend as she creeped up behind the group of guys.

"I can't let him see me like this." She yelled.

"Tori," Lia sighed, "He loves you and besides He's seen worse."

"Tori come out." The order was followed by a chuckle.

Slowly moving out behind the group of boys Astoria stepped out. "Come here." That's all she needed before she flung herself at him.

"You are not allowed to leave me alone ever again Neville." She declared.

"Sorry to interupt but who are you?" Alice ask wondering who this girl is.

"Oh- h- hi." Is this..." She trailed off looking at Neville who gave a nod.

"I'm Astoria Greengrass, it's an honor to meet you."

"Mom, dad. Astoria and I are dating." Neville informed his parents.

"Oh." Alice breathed out as a smile slowly took over her face. "Well aren't you gorgeous. I can't wait for my grandkids."

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