Chapter 3

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Lia and Snape is shown walking in kings cross station, dodging all the muggles.

"Wait were did you stay in August?" Lily questioned with a worried tone towards her daughter that was still sat with the supposed 'dark' witches and wizards.

"Oh I stayed at the leaky cauldron. Severus checked up on me every week to make sure I was alright." Lia informed her mother.

"Now you know what to do. I should be going." Snape announced with a stern look upon his face.

"Yes. See you at Hogwarts." Lia nodded giving Snape a bright smile.

Snape watched as Lia ran towards platform 9¾, disappearing into the apparent solid wall before apperating away.

On the other side of the platform Lia emerged from the wall, rolling her belongings towards the train.

Lia was bitting her bottom lip out of nerves looking at the people crowding the platform.

She looked for an empty compartment after leaving her things with the porter. Finding one at the end of the hall, she sat down placing her bag next to her.

Getting comfortable she got out her copy of Magical draft and potions by Arsenius Jigger.

As Lia was turning the page the compartment door was slid open by a boy with red hair.

"Who's he?"

"Oh that makes more sense now." Draco nodded in understanding.

Lia raised an eyebrow at her best friend. "And what's that suppose to mean?"

"How you were so comfortable around them."

Lia stared at the red head questioning.

"Looks like somebody beat us here." The boy said.

"Huh what do you mean? Nobody ever sits here." A voice spoke up before another red head, identical to the first, walked into Lia's view.

"Hi." Lia greeted face void of emotion.

"Hey. I'm Fred-" The first one, Fred started.

"And I'm George." The second red head ended.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lilliana." She cracked a small barely visible smile.

"Hey what's taking you two so long?" Someone shouted from outside the compartment.

"Someone's already here." George informed the dark male who now also stood in the door way.

"Oh." He muttered.

"Sorry I didn't know the compartment is yours. Though you could still sit if you want." Lia offered.

"Thanks. I'm Lee Jordan nice to meet cha." The boy now known as Lee exclaimed and plopped down onto a seat.

"Lia." Lia introduced herself to the boy with a slightly bigger smile than earlier.

"Hey you okay, you look a bit pale." Fred asked Lia, a frown playing on his face.

"Oh yeah I just haven't eaten yet today." Lia tried to reassure the frowning red head.

"You sure?" George asked taking notice to her small figure.

"Yeah really, it's no need to worry." Lia replied with a smile.

"Lia you look like you're dying." Draco deadpanned at the girl next to him.

"Yeah I mean you always were small but damn. You were tiny back then." Blaise exclaimed looking between the screen and Lia.

"Thanks Draco and Blaise do you wanna get hit?" Lia snarked at Draco before glaring at Blaise.

"Never mind." Blaise squeaked out running to Neville.

"The trolleys about to come around I think." Lee announced looking at his watch. Though when he looked up there was a knock on the door before it slid open revealing an old lady with a trolley filled to the brim with sweets.

The three males jumped up almost immediately. Lia slowly stood up stumbling a bit as she walked towards the trolley.

"Lia sweetie are you alright?" Lily asked concern lacing her tone.

"Yeah I was still a bit weak back then."

"A bit?! Lia you know the movies will show the whole year right?" Draco asked a frown playing on his face.

"Okay see the thing is, I wasn't used to eating alot back then and it didn't help that I hadn't eaten that morning. But I'm better now." Lia explained to her concerned mother and father.

George and Fred noticed Lia's confused look as she skimmed over all the sweets.

"Hey you need some help?" Fred asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Um yeah. I've never seen or heard of any of these." Lia admitted with a slight blush on her face.

"No worries we can suggest some fore you. What type of sweets do you like?" George asked a grin sprawled across his face.

"I don't know." Lia shrugged.

"Um do you like chocolate?" Fred questioned.

"Never had any." Was Lia's short reply.

"Oh my Godric." Lilly muttered horrified.

"Lilly-flower you okay." James asked the love of his life.

Lilly did not reply though. Her face went from horrified to murderious. "Remind me to kill my sister." She growled towards her friend, Marlene.

"What? Okay you know what- wait here." George said placing Lia at the compartment door.

Fred and George could be seen pointing at sweets and arguing with each other before rushing back with their arms filled to the brim with sweets.

"You're going to try everyone of these." The twins exclaimed in sinc with identical grinns on their faces.


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I didn't have any motivation. 😣

It's been a very exiting 2 weeks, my sister went to the doctor and she has to go again in the weekend. The doctors doesn't know what's wrong exactly. One day they say it's this and the next they say it's that.

Anyway I will try to update this coming week. We're moving next week so yeah. Wish me luck.

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