Chapter one

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Y/n is a 24 year old girl who just finished studying acting and is ready to give her best at making her dream come true.. being an actress and one day star in a movie with huge stars.

Thursday 3:00 PM
I've been living in California for 4 years now and I just love it here. I live in a quiet peaceful neighbourhood. It has a very calm vibe which I like.
I've been sitting at home and looking for auditions online everyday for like 2 weeks. It's been kinda depressing not gonna lie just sitting around and doing nothing but hoping. Luckily my dad is a very successful business manager and helps me out financially so I can afford my beautiful little house here. I'm very grateful for that.

I decided that I couldn't just sit around at home so I put on some clothes and went for a walk

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I decided that I couldn't just sit around at home so I put on some clothes and went for a walk.
There is this small park right next to my home.

I just wanted to get some air to get my mind clean. I'm having doubts about my acting. What if I'm not good enough? What if I'll never make it?
Before I could continue overthinking everything I heard a kid crying.
I got up from the bench to try to localise where the cry came from. I followed the crying and found a little girl sitting under a tree.
,,hey there. What happend ? Are you okay" I asked the girl trying not to get too close but still close enough so she knows I'm here to help her.
She just shrugged her shoulders.
,,are you lost" I asked her.
She just nodded her head.
,,can you tell me your name? Or maybe you moms name so I can help you find her sweetie?" I asked her trying to gently help her get up.
,,Edith. My name is Edith." The girl said.
,, I love your name honey it's very beautiful just like you." I said and smiled at her.
She smiled back at me.
,,thank you. What's your name?" She asked me shy.
,, it's y/n" I said
,,I like your name too" she said smiling.
,,thank you. Now do you wanna tell me where your mom is?" I asked her.
,, I don't know I just wanted to go to the park then I saw some ducks and I followed them and then my mommy was gone" she said starting to tear up.
,,hey hey come here" I said and picked her up in my arm.
,,we will find her. I promise"
Edith was very comfortable with me which was good.
I went around looking for her mom and Edith never once let go of my hand.
Then I just heard this woman screaming.
,,Edith!!! Where are you??" She sounded so desperate.
I followed  the voice and then I couldn't belive my eyes.
It was Cate Blanchett but in that moment I just saw a woman who was terrified.
,, is that mommy?" I asked Edith while pointing at cate. She just nodded and ran straight into her arms.
,,oh my god Edith" she said with tears in her eyes.
,, sorry mommy. I just wanted to watch the ducks" Edith said.
,,sweetie I'm just glad you're here" she said.
After a minute of them hugging she turned to me.
,,thank you so much for bringing her back to me" she said.
,,of course !" I said smiling.
,,what's your name" she asked me
,,y/n y/l/n" I answered.
,,beautiful name" cate said.

I wanted to say something but I saw this guy in the bush with a camera.
I went to the guy.
,,okay so if you don't delete the footage you have right now and get the hell out of here I'm going to get absolutely mad and belive me you don't want that. How dare you? This woman was literally over here crying and all you think about is getting some pics. That's more then inappropriate and wrong. Shame on you.don't you have any compassion ?!" I said to him.
He just showed me the camera while deleting the footage.

I went back to Cate
,,im so sorry that you have to go through thi-"
,,thank you. Really this was really the last thing I needed. A new headline 'has she finally lost her mind'" she said which made me really laugh.
,,can I invite you over for dinner. As a thank you for saving my kid" cate asked me
,,wow yes of course. Here. There's my number just text me when and where and I'll be available. "
We said goodbye and I went back to my house.
Then it hit me. Did I just meet Cate blanchett ? And am I going to have dinner with her?

Cate POV
I was still in shock because of the afternoon.
I went home with Edith.
,,Anyone home?"  I yelled up the house while entering.
,,no" I heard Iggy and Roman scream back.
They always did that. I laughed and said they should come downstairs. Dashielle was away at college.
,,so boys your sister had a little adventure" I started talking.
I told them everything that had happened.
,,glad you're still here sis' Roman said.
Edith just smiled.
,,so y/n will be coming over for dinner tonight. Well I'll text her but she said she's free. Are you guys okay with that?" I asked them.
,,yes of course. She saved our little sister" Iggy said and smiled.
,,okay great. I'll prepare everything. Let's say 8 PM boys" I said
,,take your sister with you" I said. They took her hand and went upstairs.
Meanwhile I got my phone out of my bag and texted

Cate: hello dear, this is cate. how about dinner tonight. 8PM?

Y/n: sounds absolutely perfect. Cant wait :)

Cate: I'll sent you my Adresse.

Y/n: I'll be there.

I was happy. I started preparing food. I decided to make a simple meal. Just some vegetables with potatoes and some chicken.
Y/n was an angle.. I really think that it's going to be a good night:)

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now