Chapter six

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We arrived at this beautiful house and I saw some cars in the driveway which means the others are already there.

,,what's on your mind?" Cate asked me.
,,I'm just a little bit nervous. I am one step away from meeting like all of my favourite actresses and this just seems so unreal. I'm a little bit afraid that they won't like me" I said honestly.
,,y/n. You have nothing to worry about. They will like you like I do. You're a person you just have to like.don't worry too much and just be yourself and everybody will fall in love with you" cate said and looked me in my eyes.

Cate had that look in her eyes sometimes which just made me feel so safe like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me.

,,thank you" I said and smiled at her.
,,I'm ready. Let's go" I said.
She nodded.

We walked to the front door and knocked at the door.
The door opened and I saw Sarah. Sarah Paulson.
,,hey you guys. You must be y/n it's so good to meet you" Sarah said and went in for a hug.
,,it's really my pleasure" I said.
,,so I'm not worthy of a hug Paulson" cate asked sarcastically.
,,shut up blanket" she said and hugged her.
,,come in you two. The others are already in the dining room" Sarah said and guided us to the room.
I walked in and cate had her hand in my back for support.
I saw Sandra,Mindy and Anne chatting in the kitchen, Helena,Awkafina and Rhianna sitting at the table. All of their eyes turned to look at me and cate.
,,so this must be y/n" Sandra said and came to us.
She hugged me. ,,it's great to meet you" she said with a smile. Her smile is so beautiful.
,,it's so great to meet you too" I said.
Then everyone else's followed her order and greeted me. They were all so incredibly nice.

,,okay you guys dinner is ready let's go" Sarah said.
All of us sat down and cate sat down next to me.
,,do you have the keys from the house ?" I asked her while sitting down.
,,yeah you gave them to me after locking the door" Cate said. We were not realising that everyone was looking at us.
,,wait. You two live together ?" Anne asked.
,,sickkk" akwafina said which made everyone laugh.
,,just temporary." Cate continued to tell why she's been living with me.
,,poor y/n" Sarah said which made us all laugh again.
,,thanks Paulson" cate just said.
,, it must be very great living with a deaf person" Helena said.
,,I'm not deaf. Just a little bit loud" Cate answered.
We all really just joked around all night.

,,so y/n are you exited for the movie?" Mindy asked.
,,more than exited. I'm really so greatful for this opportunity." I said while sipping my wine.
,,bet your happy about the character's relationship too" rhianna said.
,,I sure am" I answered quick.
,,ohhh so that's what you're really most exited about" Sarah said with a wink.
I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Then I took a sip of my wine and smiled.
,,that's a yes" Helena said.
,,who wouldn't be ?" I just said.
,,that's a good point" Sandra said.
,,get ready for ship edits from our fans" Sarah said.
,,I'm looking forward to that" I said.
They all laugh.
,,I feel very appreciated" Cate said.

After we ate dinner we all sat down in the living room.
I sat on the couch in between Cate and Sandra
,,never in my live did I thought I could actually say that I'm sitting between sandra bullock and cate Blanchett" I said.
,,compliment for us Cathrine" sandy said and gave her a high five.
,,what about me?" Sarah asked.
,,if you were sitting here I'd be freaking out because then my actual three favorite people would sit on the same couch as me."
All three of them looked at each other and I think talked with just their eyes. Then Sarah sat down on sandys lap.
,,please can someone take a picture so my friends will believe this" I said.
Helena and Anne got out their phone and took some pictures.
,,we actually have a group chat I'll just add you. Tell me your number" Anne said.
,,Sure." I told her my number.
,,Anne Hathaway just asked for my number" I said smiling.
All of them laughed.
,,I think y/n is very good for all of our egos" Mindy said.
,,she really is" cate said looking at me and winking.
I immediately blushed.
,,cate stop making y/n blush. Poor thing" Sandra said.
,,sorry" Cate said and not meaning that sorry at all.
,,it's really mean for a gay person" I said. Just realising what I just say.
,,Paulson win for you, you aren't the only lesbian" Helena said.
,,high five y/n" Sarah said. I just laughed and gave her a high five.
,,that's something I didn't know" cate said and looked at me.
,,well now you know Blanchett. And I mean it's pretty obvious don't you think?" I said smiling.
,,I like her " Rihanna said
,,my ego just got boosted" I said.
,,so y/n which one of us do you like the most." Anne asked me.
,,I'm not drunk enough to answer that question" I said taking a soo of my wine.
,,it's obviously cate. I mean she blushes every time cate comes near her" Rhianna said.
I choked on my wine and laughed.
,,ahhh that's a yes" Awkafina said.

The rest of the night was just so fun. I loved getting to know all of them.
We all said goodbye and went home.
,,thank you for this wonderful night." I said while hugging Sarah
,,anytime. I had a great night" she said.
While we were going out I saw a car. There was Holland Taylor.
,,I didn't think you'd be home that early sweetheart" Sarah said.
,,they let me go early" she said and gave sarah a small kiss.
,,oh you must be y/n" Holland said turning to look at me.
,,yes I am. It's an honour to meet you" I said.
,,rude. For us it was just a pleasure and meeting her it's an honour" Cate said sarcastically.
,,very rude" Sarah said.
,,can you blame me?" I asked. We all smiled and laughed.

Cate and I both got into the car.
,,this was so fun" I said.
,,it really was. And I got to learn so much about you too." Cate said.
,,like what? I already told you so much about me. I think nobody else does" I said smiling.
,,the gay part sweetie" she said.
,,ooohh yeah right. I just always had people react negative to this." I said.
,,never be afraid to tell me something like this. I'm all for it" Cate said smiling.
,,all for it huh?" I said with a smirk in a sarcastic way.
,,Please. I was in Carol" she said.
,,oh I know. I watch it all the time" I said.
,, is that so?well what was your favorite scene" She asked.
,,I think that's obvious" I said.
,,of course it is. You're a Lesbian" she said.
,,you made me so it's I think on you" I said, I didn't realise what I just said.
,,oh is that so?" She asked me.
,,well yeah kinda ? I think you just made me realise it. With the movie carol. Obviously" I said smiling.
,,I feel honoured" she said.
I felt very safe talking to her about this.
,,thank you Cate" I said smiling back at her.
She tuned on the engine and of course put her hand on my leg.
,,I think driving with you is just the best thing ever. Don't ever stop this" while saying this I put my hand on het hand.
,,I like that you always blush when I do it." She said smirking.
,,oh please I'm a lesbian. It's a part of me especially when it's cate Blanchett" I said. Alcohol always made me very confident.
,,ego upgraded again" she said.

We started driving and I enjoyed every single second of it.

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now