Chapter four

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Next day

I woke up because the sun was shining in my face.
I got really excited because I'll be going to dinner with cate tonight.
I then just had a quick shower and put on some sweats with a sport bra.
I sat on my couch downstairs and watched my all time favorite.  Oceans 8.

12:00 PM
An hour in the movie I heard a knock on my door.
I opened it and there was cate.
,,okay either I'm like not good and reading the watch or you're early" I said sarcastic.
,,I'm sorry to just drop by without notice but my house had a pipe break and now everything is flooded. I'm hoping to stay here because you're the closest person to my house I know . Just till I can find a near by hotel. Would that be okay?" Cate asked me with 2 suit backs in her hand.
,,I'm so sorry. yes of course and please don't be silly you don't need a hotel you can stay as long as you want to." I said while taking one of her suitcases.
,, thank you so much y/n" she said while hugging me.
,,no problem at all''
After the hug she just looked at me. Then I realised what I was wearing.
,,Blanchett stop staring like you've never seen a women with sweats and a bra" I said to her funny.
,,oh sweetheart it's not that. I enjoy that your bra is stained with chocolate" she said smiling.
,,oh well" I said and laughed.
,,I see you're watching a movie ?" Cate said and walked to the living room.
I totally forgot about that.
,,ahhhh one of my favorites" cate said while Turing around to face me.
,,yeah well it's my favorite movie" I said.
,,thank you sweetheart" she said smiling.
,,cut it out. I didn't say you were my favorite" I said.
,,okay so this huge picture of Lou over there in the kitchen is just there for fun or?" She said with a smile and a slight smirk.
,,shut up" I said and hit her arm.
,,hey hey I'm not saying this is bad." Cate explained.
,,I like that you have a huge picture of me hanging there. Not weird at all" she said.
,,big fan girl. Sorry not sorry." I answered.
We both just laughed.

I took one of her suitcase and shower her, her new room.
,,so I hope this will do. If there's anything my room is right next to you and the bathroom is right across the hall." I said
,,this is perfect thank you" she said while putting her suitcases on her bed.
,,I do have one question tho y/n" cate said.
,,what is is?" I asked concerned
,,I don't know when my house will be ready would it be okay if my kids stay here too over the weekend? I know this is a lot to ask but-" I cut her off
,,blanket my house is very big of course they can." I said.
,,did you just call me Blanket?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
,,sure did." I said proud of myself.
Then I went downstairs again in the living room

I watched oceans 8 and then there was my FAVORITE scene ever. Debbie and Lou at the beach.
,,come on!" I screamed. I did that every time because I never get why they don't just kiss.
,,what did we do wrong sweetheart?" Cate said coming down the stairs laughing.
,,come on they would've kissed. They. Were. In. Love" I said angry
,,if it helps you, I think they are. Maybe in the next one we wi-" cate cut herself off and realised what she just said.

,,hold up WHAT?!" I said exited and shocked.
,,oh fuck me" cate said.
,,well no thank you I'm good. BUT I HEARD WHAT YOU JUST SAID" I was very very very enthusiastic.
,,okay well all don't even tell anyone! It's very top secret so. And also we are still looking for a ninth perison to join." Cate said while sitting down next to me.

,,ohhh tell me all about the character" I said.
,,well we want her to be savage and sarcastic. Like a mix of Debbie and Lou. She will be the one who will be responsible for all kind of distraction. So if anything goes wrong she'll be there to help out. She's a know it all and is capable of almost everything. " cate said.
,,soo what's the new plan for the plot ?" I asked her.
,,it's a lot. So basically everyone says one dream target and we'll do it." Cate said.
,,I've never been happier" I said smiling.
,,actually I have an idea" cate said smirking.
,,what ?" I said confused.
,,you should be auditioning!!" Cate said.

,,me?? Cate please no one knows me" I said.
,,yet" she relied sassy.
,,true but still-" she cut me off again.
,,honey everyone starts somewhere and this could be your opportunity. I think you would be perfect for the role and I bet everyone on set will love you. And we are also shooting the movie here so it's perfect " Cate said.
,,yeah right like my favorite actresses like me" I laughed.
,,are you a fan of mine?" She asked.
,,is that a trick question?"
,,just answer" she said rolling her eyes.
,, well yes of course I am. Probably your biggest one"
,, first off all thank you sweetie and see I'm your favorite and I really like you." She said.
,,yeah okay good point" I said.
,,but I don't think I'm that good" I said.
,,are you kidding me? I looked at your audition tapes in my room because they were laying around and they were freaking amazing!" Cate said.

I forget about those....
We then discussed for more 5 minutes.

,,okay fine. Tomorrow we both will go to the audition."I said.
,,yesss. Amazing." Cate said hugging me.
,,I don't have the part yet blanket. But I enjoy your enthusiasm " I said .

We watched the rest of the movie together and during that everything else felt like one. I was sitting on my couch with my biggest idol/crush ever. It's truly amazing.

We watched some other movies together for the rest of the evening.
Then we decided to go to bed because we have to get up early.
I went to the bathroom and after me cate went. When I was in my pyjamas I knocked at cates door.
,,come in" she said.
I came in and I was mesmerised.
Cate was wearing such cute pyjamas and had her glasses on because she was reading a book.
,,am I that awful without make up or?" She asked me.
,, what?! No?!? The opposite. You look absolutely beautiful"
,,no need to lie sweetheart" she said.
,,I'm not." I said.
,,thank you dear. You look very beautiful as well" she said but not like others she said it like she really meant it which is something I'm not used to.
,,i just came in here to ask if we will drive to the casting together tomorrow or should we drive separately?" I asked.
,,don't be silly. I'll be driving us both of course. If you're okay with paparazzi " she said.
,,yes I don't mind them. I actually would love to be on a paparazzi picture with cate Blanchett" I said happy.
,,you're too sweet" she said.
,,well that's settled. Sleep well cate and I'll see you tomorrow"
,,you too y/n" she said with the sweetest smile on her face.

I went to my bedroom.
There was definitely something going on in me because cate is definitely the most beautiful and amazing person ever. But I'll just have to get over the little crush because she's way out of my league on many levels and she's not even into women. Right?

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now