Chapter nine

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TW: body dysmorphia


I put down the glasses on the table.
Then I filled the glass with wine.
,,that's the spirit. Now let's drink and talk about the script a bit so we'll be prepared" sandy said.
,,are you nervous?" Sarah asked.
,,it's more like excitement. I'm so happy and greatful for this opportunity" I said while taking a sip of my wine.

We then continued to read the script. Then there was the scene. It says that cate and I have to do a sex scene and it's full nudity. I don't care about sex scenes it's part of the job but first of all it's Cate Blanchett and I'm a little bit insecure about my body if I'm being honest.

,,I bet you're nervous. That's okay. Believe me I was nervous about my first sex scene too but the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with the person you're doing it with." Sarah said.
Cate looked at me with a look like she wants to know if I am comfortable with her.
,,yeah you're right. I feel comfortable with cate so it's going to be alright" I said.
,,don't worry I'll guide you through it" Cate said with a smile and winked at me.
,,so generous of you" I said sarcastically.
,,Oh before I forget. In a few days we're going to have our first interview as the oceans 9 cast with Jimmy Kimmel" Sandy said.
,,what?!" I said almost spitting out my wine.
,,yuup. You're gonna be famous" Sarah said jokingly.
,,finally" cate said.
,,is it hard doing an interview? I mean they don't even know me so what will they even ask ?" I said.
,,that's pretty easy. They'll ask the basics like ,why did you become an actress ?' ,why this movie ?' And stuff like that you know?" Cate said.
,,well you guys need to help me out if I mess up"
,,of course" all three of them said.

Later that night we finally were done. I now know pretty much everyone's lines but I feel very prepared and ready for this.
,,it's almost 2 AM we better get going. " Sarah said.
,,I already called us an Uber and they should be here in 2 minutes" Sandra said.
We all got up and said goodbye.
,,I'll go outside too and wait with them" Cate said.
,,sure do that. I have to go to the bathroom" I said and smiled.

Cate's POV
,,thank you guys
for coming over I think y/n feels a lot more prepared" I said.
,,so tell me blanket.. when will you tell her that you like her? During the sex scene or?" Sarah said. I smacked her arm.
,, shhh. She can hear you." I said
,,Cate please did you notice the way she looks at you? I mean that girl is totally into you" sandy said.
,,gusy I'm like 40 years older than her. She wouldn't feel that way about me" I said looking down.
,,This girl literally adores you cate. And who cares about the age difference. No one" Sarah said.
,,yeah I guess. I just don't want to ruin what we have you know? She's very important to me" I said.
,,I know. Well don't force yourself to anything. We have your back" Sarah said.
With that their Uber arrived.
I hugged them and said goodbye.
I went inside and locked the door.

I heard the door and I saw cate.
,,soo come on." Cate said
,,where ?" I asked confused
,,sit down next to me on the couch sweetheart" she said.
So I did.
,,and now tell me what really scares you about the sex scene. And please be honest. This is a safe space to talk" she said looking into my eyes.
,,it's nothing important" I said trying to laugh it off.
,,y/n. Tell me" she said.
,,okay fine. But I don't want to turn this conversation into like an emotional train wreck. I just don't think that my body is ideal for a sex scene I mean I'm curvy I'm not as skinny and beautiful as you like you-" I was cut off by cate.
,,are you nuts? Y/n you're beautiful. And who said that being curvy isn't beautiful? Your weight,hight or whatever doesn't define your beauty. Embrace your body. It's you home. I think that you're the most beautiful person ever and I want you to see it too." Cate said

I really usually don't like deep talks I usually always try to laugh about so it doesn't seem like I care. But with cate it's different.

,,I have an idea" cate said.
She got up and took my hand. We went upstairs into my room.
,,this may seem silly and we don't have to do this unless you feel comfortable. I used to feel the same. I hated my body because once it gets older not everything is where it should be. But through this technique I really learned how to love myself." She said.
,,what is it?" I asked her.
,,change into your underwear. Just bra and like a pair of shorts and a robe. Go into the bathroom and put on the robe over your clothes." Cate said.
I was confused at first but then I just nodded and agreed. So I went into the bathroom. Changed into my underwear and put on a robe. Then I came out.

I was in my room and cate closed the curtains and the door.'
,,now once you're ready I want you to take off the robe and look into the mirror right in-front of you" she said with a calm voice.
I stood there for like 5 minutes and then I was ready.
my first reaction was covering my body with my arms. But then cates arms came from behind me and she grabbed my arms and gently dragged them away from my body.
,,don't ever feel ashamed about your body y/n.
It's beautiful the way it is. Now tell me what bothers you about it" she asked me.
,,I don't like my belly. It's just hanging there and I think many find it disgusting" I said looking down.
,,is it okay if I put my hands on your belly sweetheart?" She asked me.
I just nodded and smiled at her.
She touched my belly and I immediately got butterflies.
She touched it gently and looked into the mirror.
,,Your belly is absolutely beautiful. It doesn't have to be flat. That's just society wanting it to be flat.
you are a healthy woman with a beautiful body.
It is perfectly normal to have some body fat. And it doesn't make you any less beautiful. You only live stop worrying about this. because you are beautiful" cate told me and not once breaking the eye contact between us.

I was just in shook. But in a good way. No one has ever told me this. And I actually believe her. I didn't even notice that I had tears in my eyes until cate turned me around and gave me a tissue and my robe back.
,,Thank you" was all I could say. I hugged cate so tight. I never wanted to let her go. Ever. I think she's the one person I feel comfortable with.
the hug lasted for good 10 minutes I think.
Then we just looked at each other.
Cate gave me a kiss on the forehead.
,,never forget your own worth." She said.
,,and now let's go to bed because we gotta get up in like 5 hours" she said and smiled
,,will we drive together?" I asked while she was leaving the room.
,,of course we will honey. Driving with you is my favorite thing ever." She said and gave me a small wink.

I was now lying on my bed and all I could think about was cate with her hands on my body. I think my crush isn't just a crush anymore.. oh well it's going to be a great time shooting a love scene with her..

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora