Chapter seventeen

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When I walked in everyone was already there and they were chatting.
,,hey guys" I said and everyone said hi.
The night started really good. We all drank some wine and cocktails. A lot of cocktails to be honest.
Then dinner was already ready. We all sat down at the table. Cate was to my left and Sarah to my right.
,,just so you guys know me and y/n will go public on the premiere day " cate blurred out.
Everyone just stared at us.
,,what?" Sandy said clearly shocked.
,,I'm ready" Cate said confidently.
Soon their faces turned fork shock to smiles.
,,that's really amazing! I'm so happy for you guys !" Sarah said
,,I agree!! I'm so excited for you two" Helena said.
It followed with all of them agreeing and concentrating like we just told them we're getting married or something. I did still feel like I pressured her into it.
My overthinking didn't stop the whole night.
Cate poked my arm so I fought her attention.
,,are you okay love?" She asked me with a worried look.
,,yeah I am don't worry" I smiled. Then I exuded myself and went to the bathroom.

I get these rushes of anxiety when I overthink. I walked in the bathroom and locked myself in there. I tried to calm down by breathing in and out. Then there was a knock.
,,let me in please" it was cate. I unlocked the door.
,,please tell me what's going on " cate said walking in.
,,I'm sorry it's nothing" I said. I hate talking about my overthinking because I feel like my feelings are not valid.
,,that's a lie. Now try again" cate said coming closer
,,it's just... I feel bad about the fight. I lost my temper and I said things I shouldn't have said. I feel like I pressured you into coming out and I feel horrible I am so so sorry. You don't have to-" cate cut me off by kissing me.
,,listen to me y/n. Don't feel bad please my love. You expressed how you felt and there's nothing wrong with that. It's good to tell me how you feel. And you didn't pressure me. I've been thinking about coming out for some time now because I'm done hiding who I really am. I love you so much please don't think that I'm doing this out of pressure " cate said while holding my face in her soft hands. I was so relieved. I hugged cate so tight.
,,now let's go back out there and enjoy our night okay?" Cate asked. I nodded and we walked out the bathroom.

Cates POV
When we walked out I saw that Sarah wanted to make a naughty joke but I gave her a look so she won't and she got the hint. I sat back down and y/n did too. I love this girl so much it's really unreal sometimes.
,,so the premiere is in what? 2 weeks?" Rihanna asked.
,, yes ma'am it's in 2 weeks exactly " Anne said.
Wow 2 weeks. Then I'll be out. Actually I'm really relieved because I want to show off my beautiful girlfriend and it's time to be true to myself.
,,let's drink a bit" Sarah said and everyone just cheered.

About 2 hours later everyone was pretty much drunk. I didn't drink though because I needed to drive. Y/n on the other hand.. yeah she was pretty much hammered.
,,so y/n tell us. How does it feel to be with cate?" A drunk Paulson asked.
,,are you kidding me? It's the fucking best" y/n said with a wide smile.
,,and the sex makes it even better" she just blurred that out. I covered my face trying to hide the fact that j find this very amusing.
,,yeah okay I think we'll head home now everyone. Come on baby" i reached out for y/n's hand and she came right to me looking me deep in the eyes.
,,god I love you" she said
,,eww get a room" Helena said. We laughed and said our goodbyes.

We got in the car and started driving home.
,,cate can I ask u something?" Y/n tried sounding sober.
,,anything" I said.
,,can we get a dog? I want 4." She said
I just smiled and laughed.
,,well we will take care of me coming out and then we will get all the dogs you want my love" I said while stroking her leg
,,yaaayyy" she said in a very hall voice

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now