Chapter seven

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We arrived home and it was a peaceful drive. I really love driving with her. It gives me so much happiness.
,,are you gonna get out of the car or just sit there and think about me ?'' cate said with a smile.
,,you wish'' i said although that was exactly what i was doing.
Both of us got inside. Cate went into the kitchen to get me some water because she knew i was just a little bit more than just tipsy.
,,here you go sweetie'' she said and handed me the glass
,,how ?'' i asked her
,,how what sweetheart?'' she looked at me confused.
,,how do you mange to make me blush by just calling me those pet names. It's not fair'' i said while drinking the water.
..because you like it when i do it. I always see your cheeks turn red whenever i call you by one of my pet names which makes me want to do it more.'' she said while sitting down next to me.
,,never stop" I said.
I was really drunk and really tired. I just snuggled up with cate and I was like a koala bear. I was basically laying on her and hugging every inch of her body. I took a deep breath and smelled her beautiful sent.
,,I see your a affectionate person once you're drunk" cate said laughing.
,,you smell so good" I just said.
I was laying with my head right on her chest. I've never felt this save in my entire life.
,,sleep sweetheart." She said and brushed my hair. She hugged me back until I fell asleep in her arms.

The next day
I woke up with a headache and felt a little bit nauseous. Then I remembered what happened last night.
I looked to my left and right panicking cause I didn't see cate and I thought I like maybe made her feel uncomfortable.
,,don't worry I'm just getting you some water sweetheart" I heard cates voice from the kitchen.
,;you're an actual angel" I said with a low raspy voice.
,,ohh that's a new voice." She said smiling.
,,it's my ,I drank too much now my voice is silly in the morning' voice" I said while rubbing my head.
,,I like it" she said while sitting down next to me and handing me a glass of water.
I drank the whole glass immediately. Then I felt so sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom.
Cate was right behind me.
She held my hair back while I was throwing up.
,,Jesus I never ever puke just because of some alcohol" I said confused.
,,maybe it was something you ate yesterday" Cate said concerned.
,,yeah that could be possible" I said.
,,come on let's get you to bed" cate said while helping me get up.

We both walked to my bedroom and she helped me to get into the bed.
,,Omg cate I forgot.. your kids are coming for the weekend. Today is Saturday they will be here soon" I said.
,,sweetie that's okay. You have to stay healthy and obviously you don't feel good."
,,I don't care. I will take some pills and drink some tea." I said while getting up.
,,but y/n you can-" cate tried finishing her sentence.
,,end of the discussion. We will have a great weekend and now let's go downstairs." I said.
,,okay ma'am" cate said ironically.

We started preparing some things. I had a spare room for the kids. It's a room with 3 beds cause I know Roman will most probably won't be here cause he's at college.

It was about 1 P.M. now.
,,cate they're here" I said while fixing everything on me.
,,could you please open. I'm still in the bathroom. I'll be right there" she said.
So I did.
,,heyy guys" I said while opening the door.
Roman and Iggy gave me a high five and Edith well.. she just hugged me real tight.
,,ohhh hi sweetheart" I said smiling.
Then I saw Andrew.
,,thanks for letting cate and the kids stay at your place." He said sweetly.
,,oh don't mention it. It's my pleasure." I said smiling.
We both talked a little bit and then he left.
I walked into the living room where all the kids were.
,,where's mom?" Iggy asked.
,,she's still in the bathroom. She'll be right here" I said reassuringly.
,,I hear you said my name" I heard cate say while she was walking down the stairs.
They all ran to her and hugged her tight.
,,I missed you all my little monkeys " she said and gave them all a kiss on their head.
I think there's nothing cuter than cate with her kids.

After some time Iggy and Roman went into the garden and played some soccer. Edith wanted to stay with me.
,,y/n so you like my mom?" Edith asked while eating a cookie.
,,of course I do honey" I said.
,,you're very pwetty" she said.
,,she must've got that from me. I mean talking only the truth" Cate said while sitting down next to me.
I just smiled and rolled my eyes at her.
,,can we watch a movie ?" Edith asked.
,,sure. What do you wanna watch?" I asked her.
,,I wanna watch frozen" Edith said enthusiastically.
With that I put on the movie.
,,while you watch this I'll be in the kitchen cooking some dinner. If there's anything you need just yell and I'll be there" I said and gave her a kiss on the head.

Cate follows me into the kitchen.
,,thank you" she said while I was getting out some pans .
,,well you're very welcome , but for what exactly?" I asked her.
,,for being so great with the kids" she said.
,,are you kidding. They make it so easy to love them" I said while shopping some veggies.
While I was doing that cate came closer to me.
,,do you like fingers in your vegetables? Cause If you keep being that close to me I'll probably cut them of" I said sarcastically.

,,I'm not distracting you am I ?" Cate asked exactly knowing that she did.

,,no not at all" I said and rolled my eyes.
She grabbed my face with one hand so I look at her.
,,don't roll your eyes at me sweetheart. That's rude" she said with a smirk.
,,you're the death of me Blanchett" I said while blushing caused of her gentle touch on my skin.

We all ate dinner and went to bed. I was very happy that the kids where here. They are all lovely.

I woke up because I heard someone in the hallway.
I got up and opened my door.
It was Edith.
,,sweetheart it's so late what are you doing up.?" I asked her.
,,I had a nightmare." Edith said while trying not to cry
I picked her up and hugged her.
,,can I sleep with you y/n?" She asked me.
,,of course you can" I said smiling.
We went into my bed and Edith cuddled up with me.
I was actually so tired that I fell asleep the same time she did.

Cates POV
It was late at night but I heard someone speak in the hallway.
I think it was y/n and Edith.
So I got up and went into y/n's room. I was so happy because I saw those two together.
I took a picture and sent it into the group chat with Sarah and Sandra.

Cate: *sents photo* is that cute or cute?

Sarah: This actually is so adorable.

Cate: why are you up ?

Sarah: I just got back from set. I shot my last scenes for ACS

Cate: congratulations lol

Sarah: Blanket.. this still means laugh out loud and not lots of love.

Cate: right. Sorry I'm learning

Sandra: you guys better have been kidnapped or why are you texting at 3:30AM

Cate: sandy look at the pic I sent you

Sandra: that's adorable. You're excused. While we're at that. Do you like y/n?

Sarah: uuhhh yes I want to know.

Cate: well of course I like her.

Sarah: Cate. You know what we mean.

Cate: yeah... well I think I actually do. She is the best. I've never felt that kind of connection with anyone. She's so funny,smart and beautiful. But I don't know if she likes me in that way

Sandra: of course she does. I mean have you seen the way she looks at you?

Sarah: fr she looks like she want to jump on you any minute.

Cate: Sarah?!?

Sandra: she has a point.

Cate: yea yea okay. I'll sleep now. I'll see you Monday on set.

Sarah: goodnight. See you Monday :)

Sandra: goodnight ❤️

I put my phone on the nightstand.

Were they right? Does she like me back? I mean I just think she's so great and I don't want to ruin anything we have because I don't ever want to loose her.. I have to sleep now.

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now