chapter one

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y/n's pov

"you are such a disappointment!" my step mother screamed in my face.

i sat there with a straight face with my arms crossed.

'yes, we've established this.' i thought to myself.

"nothing to say huh?" she said.

'god her breathe stinks.' i thought while internally gagging.

"why can't you be more like your step sister huh?! you're lucky i love your father or i would've kicked you out!" she yelled.

'i don't know what he sees in you honestly.' i sighed while taking a step back because she was really close to me.

she was constantly comparing her daughter from a past relationship and me. her daughter, emma acted like a complete princess when my dad was around but as soon as he left she would be a spawn of satan.

emma was the same age as me. she had long silky blonde hair and and hazel eyes. she was a little on the short side and her fashion sense and whole vibe reminded me of the people you find on straight tik tok.

i was always taking the blame for her wrong doings. my dad was way to blinded by his love for this crazy ass bi- i mean lady to see that her and her daughter treated me like shit.

they even managed to convince him that i'm some kind of rebel. i mean yes i do get into some trouble occasionally but hey i'm 18 what do you expect? it's not like i just go around raising hell and being a menace to society.

ever since my dads wife, martha and her daughter, emma moved in with us, they both have been making my life hell.

martha was around my dads age. she was kind of a gold digger if you ask me but hey not my problem. she loved to wear expensive clothes and jewelry and designer purses my dad bought her with the money he earned from being a doctor.

emma sneaks out all the time, invites people over, throws parties behind my dads back, just behaves like an overall turd, and does so much more shit that i have to take the blame for.

at school, she embarrasses me like it's some kind of fun exciting hobby of hers.

we're the same age but she acts like she has some superiority over me.

i rarely say anything because my dad seems so happy in his relationship with martha and i don't want to jeopardize it.

ever since mom left, he's been really down but martha makes him happy i guess.

'martha looks like a naked mole rat to me but hey dad, whatever floats your boat.' i said while laughing at my own joke internally.

"you know what?! since you think that this is sooooo funny, you can go to your room and not come out for the rest of the night!!" martha screamed at me.

'whoops i guess i accidentally smiled.' i thought.

i decided it would be best to not reply so that more unnecessary yelling wouldn't happen.

i walked up the stairs to my room and saw emma at the top of the staircase with a smug look on her face.

'oh great. her.' i sighed.

"you really should try to be more like me ya know. then maybe you'd get some friends." she snickered.

'yea well maybe you should try and get some bitches emma.' i laughed internally.

'god i crack myself up.' i thought with a straight face.

i made my way to my room and plopped down on my bed.

i decided i needed to start on my homework so i pulled out my english work to start with since it was usually easy and less likely to make me wanna jump off a cliff.

i put on my headphones to drown out all external noises and played some music by my favorite boyband, 4 town.

i absolutely adored 4 town. they are simply all just perfection and i will not be convinced otherwise.

ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ: ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇs ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ

my phone began to ring causing my music to stop playing.

"this better be good i was listening to 4 town." i grumbled out loud.

i saw that it was my dad calling so i picked it up.

"hello?" i spoke into the phone.

"come downstairs, i have to tell you and your sister something." he said.

'that demon isn't my sister but slay ig.' i thought to myself.

"ok" i simply replied.

he then hung up the phone.

i got up from my comfortable position and stretched a little before making my way downstairs.

i went into the area by the front doors because everyone else was over there seemingly waiting for me.

"god couldn't you get here faster? some people have places to be you know! you are so inconsiderate of people's time!" martha screeched.

"yea y/n that's like really disrespectful." emma said with a smirk.

i sent her a death glare telling her to shut the fuck up.

"y/n, in the future please more considerate." my dad said sternly.

it honestly baffles me more and more everyday how my dad lets these yt people disrespect me like this.

like jesus i get it you love the woman and her daughter but damn i'm your literal biological child.

"ok sorry." i simply said not wanting to cause an argument.

"me and your mother are going out girls. we might be a while so don't wait up on us." he said with a smile.

'martha isn't my mother.' i thought rolling my eyes.

"will you be gone for more than a day?" emma questioned.

"we might so just in case we packed a couple of extra clothes." he told her.

"oh ok. have fun then!" she exclaimed with a bright smile.

they smiled back at her as if she was the most perfect thing on earth and then turned to me without the smile they had before.

"please try and be like your sister at least this once. i don't need the house a mess when i get back. so that being said: no boys, no parties, none of that got it?" my dad said looking specifically at me.

'this nigga is so brainwashed. it's getting sad at this point.' i thought.

"yes sure even though i've never done any of that to begin with." i grumbled.

he sighed while shaking his head and turned away from me before walking over to emma and kissing her on the forehead with a smile. martha did the same to emma and death glared me before walking out of the door with my dad.

"i'm totally throwing a party!!" emma squealed as she watched my dad and martha drive off.

'oh lord.'

hope you enjoyed chapter one!!!

- aaliyah <3

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