chapter five

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(omg guys pls i left my shorts at home and i have track practice for school today. i'm wearing nike joggers and it's going to be 92 fucking degress. i'm about to look like an idiot. i asked my mom if she could bring them but she said no and it's gonna have to be 'a lEsSoN lEaRnEd.' if i pass out today istg.)

y/n's pov

i was in shock. in tears almost.

my favorite band was standing in front of me. titties out and all.

"soooo. what are you guys doing here?" aaron t said forcing a smile.

"we just wanted to introduce ourselves to your new friend t!" jesse exclaimed.

"yea! any friend of yours is a friend of ours!" robaire said with a smirk.

the 4 other 4 town boys suddenly turned to me.

i couldn't help but stare at their defined bodies and perfect faces.

i think robaire might've caught me making eye contact with his tits for too long because he cleared his throat with a chuckle and said, "my names robaire magnifique." he said taking my hand and placing a kiss on it.

'he is quite the charmer.' i thought before he suddenly pulled me closer to him.

he drew his mouth dangerously close to my face before whispering, "and for future reference my eyes are up here amour."

i stood there frozen with only one thing on my mind.

'WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRRR RAWR GRR RAAAAA SNARL HISS MEOW BARK BARK CAW CAW MOOOOOOOO OINK OINK BAAAAAAAA' i couldn't contain the animal noises happening in my mind. my brain was malfunctioning.

"hello??? are you ok??" tae young asked waving his hand in my face.

i quickly snapped out of my embarrassing trance.

"i'm sorry! i zone out a lot." i smiled nervously.

i glanced at robaire to see him already smirking at me.

"thats alright. my name's tae young but you can just call me tae if you want!" the adorable blonde boy said.

"i'm jesse." the other blonde said shaking my hand.

"and i'm aaron z but you can call me z." he said with those dreamy eyes of his.

"my name is y/n! it's nice to meet you guys." i said returning the smile.

me and the boys talked to each other for about 30 minutes after that.

they were all funny and very sweet.

i found it funny how every time aaron t would say something stupid, robaire or aaron z would hit him upside the head and he would pout.

we even all ended up exchanging numbers and making plans to hang out in the future.

as time went on more and more people started to come outside.

they brought big ass speakers and it became very loud.

'at this rate, we're going to get noise complaints.' i thought.

i looked around for my... sister (not really) frantically.

"hey are you ok n/n?" tae young asked.

"yes i'm fine. i just need to find my sister." i said still looking around.

"you have a sister??" aaron t asked.

"well step sister, but yea." i said.

i looked around more and finally spotted her.

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