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My ever present friend
Always giving me a shoulder to cry on whenever I need help
No judgement or hatred, what a comforting friend
Always looking after me like a guardian angel

Never discriminating
Just love no hating
Always accepting
Like a magnet to stray pins
Never abusive or anything negative
Perfect like all things strive to be

Come to think of it,
Do I even exist?
I have a lonely existence if silence is my best friend
The friendship we share is one that has seen tears
And I wonder what would happen if it came to an end
I've shared my worst fears and all of my cares
She knows just how I feel inside and always lends an ear

But now I'm wondering does she even exist?
I know she's always there but that's when no one speaks
I know she always cares but can't seem to say a thing
I wish she would but if she did
Silence won't be her niche
Or maybe I'm wrong or genuinely confused

I don't know nobody
And nobody knows me

I wish I could talk about it
But nobody would listen
Hence the reason I'm soliloquizing
In an attempt to break free

If I talk about it
Then I'd get the strength to leave
But if I don't
Depression would slowly creep in

So I lie to myself and say it's for the best
Why I did I don't know
But it's not like anyone cares

My mind's all messed up since I consider silence a friend
But if I don't then there's no one else
Silence is all I have left


After squeezing out every last drop of brain juice I could only put together this poorly composed piece of trash you unfortunately just read (To be honest I didn't even read it). I can only hope you look beyond my mistakes and focus on the fact that I am but a noob at this, and bear faith in the fact that it only gets better with time. Hopefully.
Okay after the edit, is not quite as bad AS I thought it was
Should be readable now. Hopefully.

Dark Poems Of A Sad MindWhere stories live. Discover now