A red Valentine 2

21 5 2

Love is in the air
But I'm clearly immune
Even if it was a snare
I won't be caught in it's teeth
Cupid shot and missed
Love just isn't for me
And the love that's in my heart is as dead as can be

Valentine is around the corner
But no dating for me
It's a chance to show someone you love em,
But nobody's for me

Love is in the air, but my gas mask is in hand
As soon as it is near, it'd go over my mouth

I'm happy for the ones that get to see their love,
Or crush, or someone that they had something for,
I pray that it leads to something more
and you stay together, defying all odds

But that's not me, I've given up,
Been used so many times, I'm like a broken product
Love isn't for everyone,
So I write this hoping I'm the only one that it's not for


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