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Death is alleviating
if you lead a bad life, it's best to end it
it's not picky, it takes all
whether old or young
and doesn't care about your race
or identity you're on

It doesn't care about your goals, taking souls is all it knows
from your very first second, you are old enough to go
You only live once and when you go, you can't control
your life is a thread, and what it's weaving we do not know
would you get to see the end, or would you end before you know

As precious as it is, life is a fickle thing
so do the best you can, before death takes the wheel


(I've been becoming too motivational recently and since this is supposed to be a dark poems book, is CLEARLY unacceptable, so know that the next somewhat uplifting thing I write here, I'm writing cause I've ran out of ideas)🙂

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