Fourth of many (updated)

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Reality and illusion are interwoven to form something that isn't
a smile could have a thousand meanings, depends on how you perceive it
a laugh could feel so hollow if the intent of it is misleading
what's meant to signify joy and mirth becomes a tool for deceit

We smile to cover up our pain and hope that it'll go away
We laugh when things aren't going our way
A ruse we use to keep pain at bay
A smile a laugh, two worlds one half
And on the opposite side a frown a cry
Are they really that different from each other
When they suppress emotions that fuel our need to be better

Life and death are on opposite sides, but they really aren't so different
to live is to prepare to die, it's inexplicably interwoven

Death comes after life but the reverse is also a case
cause death gives birth to a new life their fates are intertwined

Death is the end of something and life is the beginning
But death could be the birth of something to give life a new meaning

To cut off an aspect of yourself is to leave that aspect of you for dead
But to learn from your mistakes is a lease on life that should by all means be dead

So is life really the beginning and is death truly the end
Or is it an endless cycle of death and a rebirth❓

To be or not to be could be the question of the century
I am but I am not, confusion might just be the enemy
indecision leads to hesitance which might just lead to doubt
the questioning of everything, the with or the without
the death of an idea can in turn bring new one to life
so is doubt really the enemy if it helps us see the light ❓

But some things aren't black or white and can't simply be defined
The human mind is as complex as anything you'd ever find
Every decision we take or make leads to different paths
You can do something with bad intentions and you get blamed for that

Or do something with good intentions and still get flamed for that

So are our choices good or evil
Are they black or white
Do they meet up in the middle or are they miles apart
Is the world just different shades of grey
No absolute wrongs or rights
Everyone's an artist with the same colour palette
It's all just black and white

Doubt has lead to so many things, but also stopped a lot
has brought about self-realization and also led to morgues
it's something we simply cannot scale but still dwells in our minds
The certainty that nothing's sure
The understanding of none

Conviction on the other hand, the opposite of doubt
where one is to question oneself and the other you're sure about
to be convinced you're on the right path, your resolve must be profound
All it takes is a little doubt to unravel all your plans
two sides of the same coin, to be with one is to lack the other
But is this really true and they can't coexist together ❓

To seek the truth is to doubt that what you have is all there is to find
Conviction is the finality that what you have is all there is to find
But without the full picture, you can be convinced and still be in doubt
And even with the full picture, you can be convinced and still be in doubt

So to answer the earlier question
They can, but then they also can't
You can be with one and still have the other
Not everything can be black or white
We live in a world that's full of grey
The blacks and whites all mix the same
And at the end of the day, all that we're left with is grey
So many different shades of grey

Dark Poems Of A Sad MindWhere stories live. Discover now