Never Love Again

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I tried writing a murderous Intentions 3, but no matter how hard I tried to think of brutal ways to kill someone, the idea just refused to come out.
So now I have two failed attempts at murder might as well release it 🤷‍♂️


You forced me down this path
That I didn't want to tread
You said you loved me too
All because I put a gun to your head

It was nice for a minute
Until it became clear
You were using me from the get go
I was way in over my head
Thinking that the feelings were mutual
That the love we shared was real
That the bond we made would never break
We would both be there in need
Until I found that you're a cheat
You take and never give
And you only confide in me, when the solution is green
So I slowly began to doubt
Did the love we had really sprout
Or was it a budding seed on rocky ground trying to find a way out
I began to search for clues
Something to prove I wasn't being used
And to my very hurt and utmost shock
I saw you with some dude
You were kissing and holding hands, running off like newly Weds
With a smile on your lips and a skip in your steps
My heart was broken down

I wanted to seek for revenge
But I couldn't bring myself to cheat back
So I cried and sobbed and wept and mourned, almost as if I had lost someone
In a way, I guess I did
I was walking with two left feet
I walked into a relationship with someone that didn't love me
But now I'd dry my tears away
I feel nothing but regret
You fooled me once, the shame's on me
And I'd never love again

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