Time(cause it's a concept we know so little off)

22 5 8

This feels more like a rant than anything

Time is certainly the essence in a universe home to the reality of purposes
As each moment passes by, we draw closer to a life well spent as we smile at the calendar in anticipation of the moments that add digits to our reality, we go a step closer to death
Time flies like a thief in the night
Water in my eyes but I'd be alright.
We will relish every moment as it counts
For life is a countdown that definitely dies off.
The end is near the moment we've all been waiting for is coming. 
Would you die today in sadness, yesterday in regret, or tomorrow in joy regardless?

What are we so mortally afraid of?
Why can't we live in this timeless moment?
What if there is no hell what would become of you knowing you spent this timeless moment worrying about life after death yet your life was lifeless

In a world where everything is timed,
every second spent is a second lost,
every ticking hand of a clock,
stretches time beyond what it was
every second stacked unto the last
a stark reminder that it's all in the past
why spend your last living moments
thinking about a place beyond your knowledge

Time is immemorial,
ever present ever changing
it is one and for all, but belongs to no one
we are bound by its laws and are bound by it's claws
as it slowly takes us to where time is but nought
it drags us by its chains,
inevitability and change
till we're at death's door,
begging to live once more
but time is a cruel master
and waits for no one

OcsThoughts  you had a few words in here, but it was mostly me tho

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