Love❓ - A rant (I think)[Not a poem]{Random bracket}

23 4 14

I've come to accept that not everyone receives love, and it's cool
Love isn't something that can just be received willy-nilly
Love is a sign that someone cares about you, and not everyone can boast of that,
Certainly not me.

While I wouldn't go as far as saying I've never been loved in my life, romantic love is something that always seems out of reach
And I've come to accept that that's just the way it is.

No need searching for love where you won't find it, that's a beautiful way to get your heart broken.
No need to force love where it won't happen, that's a waste of energy and a drain in your soul.

And while my lack of love could be a consequence of not trying, it's also a cumulation of giving up too early and fear of the unknown.
Love is a fickle thing and I wouldn't want anybody to waste theirs on me,
but we don't get to choose who loves us but only those we love.

Romantically, love is a two-way street and requires effort from both parties and it's sad when you put time and energy into something only to find out your partner is barely doing anything.

Love hurts when the person you love doesn't love you back.
And it hurts even more if they hate you for it.

So that's why I'd rather be hard to love than easy to leave. I may never experience true love with this mentality, but I also wouldn't experience heartbreak either.

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