Chapter 2, Swoon

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You grabbed ahold of the reigns on your horse and hopped on it quickly, trying to avoid eye contact with Porco. "Alright Porco, I really think I should get going now" He snapped out of the lovey state he was in and said, "Oh yeah, uh bye!" You rode off the boat smiled, "Bye Porco, tell our friends that I'll be safe!" He grinned back, "Will do, bye y/n!"

Your horse had a tough time riding up the steep rocks, but once you were over the hill you felt accomplished. The walls weren't distinguishable from where you were, but you still knew to go right. You pulled on the reigns of your horse hard, there was no time to waste. Zeke told you about these contraptions along the wall to help get horses on the other side, you planned to use those to get over, but if they weren't on the outside of the wall, you planned on just breaking down the gate somehow, which didn't sound easy.

You rode a long ways and there as still no sign of the walls, "I'm I going the wrong way? Zeke told me the walls are to the right.." Just then something very large appeared in view. You squinted your eyes to get a better look. "There it is!" The walls were only a few hundred meters away from you. The closer you got, the more shocking it was for you. You knew the walls were huge, but seeing them in person was a whole different experience. You cheered, "Yes! The horse contraptions are on this side!" You excitedly rode onto one and pulled the lever. Once at the top, you wanted to stop and look at the view of the depressing villages and laugh, but quickly realized if that anyone saw you up there they would report you.

You scurried down the wall with another contraption. Once you were inside the walls, you looked around at the small town you were in. Shiganshina. The only reasons you could tell was because of course it was one of the outside walls, and also because a group of at least 10 people were wrestling each other for one piece of bread. Sounds like Shiganshina to me.

You muttered, "How pathetic can people get?" You rode past the ugly beaten up houses and past the skeleton looking people to the gate that leads to Trost. Expectantly there were two soldiers from the Military police standing there, guarding the gate. You asked politely, "Sir, would you mind opening the gate for me?" He looked you up and down, judging you. "Peasants like you aren't allowed inside Trost. Get lost!" The fact the he called you a peasant made you furious. Sitting right next to the ignorant soldier was a half empty bottle of alcohol; you reached past him and grabbed it. His eyes widened as he tried to snatch it away from you, but failed.

You examined the bottle and said, "Well, I don't think Nile or Dhalis would be very happy to find out you two are drinking on the job.. What do you say? Open up the gate and your secret is safe with me!" His worried expression turned into anger and resentment as he slowly opened the gate for you. He uttered, "Next time you blackmail someone into getting what you want, I'll kill you!" You laughed.

You walked through the gate, and saw that Commander Nile was just in earshot, so you loudly addressed, "Next time you want to drink on the job, be a little more discreet about it, will you?" Nile didn't even ask you what you were talking about, he stormed over to the poor soldier and started to scream at him. You laughed as you made your way to the scouts headquarters, which wasn't far from where you were at all. As you approached the tall, stone castle like looking building, your hands started to sweat. Feeling nervous was a very rare occurrence for you, but being a very well trained spy you were very good at hiding it.

You knocked on the large wooden door twice, *knock knock* You stepped off your horse and waited patiently. A man with a light brown mullet opened the door. A light blush creeped up on his face as you locked eyes with him. You were sure that this man wasn't Levi, Zeke always would crack jokes about him being tiny, and this man surely wasn't short. And this guy is quite obviously not Hanji.

He uttered, "I'm Jean Kirstein, do you need anything?" You seemed to be charming him, which might be a good thing in this scenario. You smiled, "Hi Jean, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm y/n l/n" You held out your hand to which he nervously shook. You continued, "Are you guys accepting new recruits? It's always been an interest of mine to join the Scouting Legion"

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