Chapter 5, Gross

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You muttered, "N-Nothing!" He shook his head, "It's fine, your tired." He closed your door aggressively, leaving you feeling terrible for him. Eren, not even two seconds later walked back into your room. "What did he say to you? Why did he close the door like that?" You replied, "He asked me what he did wrong." A piece of Eren's hair fell from his bun as he said, "He's not allowed to talk to you anymore."

"Says who?" You asked meekly. Eren's eyes twinkled, "Says me. He made you uncomfortable before, right?" Just then, someone placed their hand on Eren's shoulder. A familiar deep voice said, "Let her be, she's fine. Like Jean said, she's tired. Stop overreacting." Eren groaned, "I'm not overreacting." Levi rolled his eyes, "She got a little nervous and left. Stop making this such a big deal. She has a lot on her mind right now, correct?" You nodded, "Yes, thank you sir" He cleared his throat, "Eren and I will let you get some rest now, breakfast is at 7:00 tomorrow. Be there."

You replied, "Yes sir" He gripped Eren's wrist tightly and yanked him out of your room while closing the door. Levi grunted outside your door, "Eren! What the hell is your problem? Who are you to tell her she can't talk to Jean? You're scaring her. She barely even knows you." Eren replied, "I wasn't scaring her." Levi continued, "If you enjoy watching over new recruits, she's your problem. She's all yours. Cause I know that what you want" Eren whined, "Captain no. I'll watch over her, but it's noting romantic. Mikasa and I are going on a date soon. We need new recruits, she has to stay"

Hearing Eren's voice so far has never failed to make you happy, but those words somehow made you feel like shit. 'He told me they weren't dating. What is wrong with him?' You chose not to listen to Eren and Levi's conversation anymore. You pulled the white covers over your head and dozed off.


You were woken up by someone's finger poking at you. "Wake up, your gonna miss breakfast." You uncovered your head and slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the light. It was Eren, but shirtless. You tried to play it cool, but you were sweating; he looked so attractive with messy hair. You rubbed your eyes, "Good morning-" He cut you off and replied, "Morning. It's time to get up." You whimpered, "You said that already. I know. Go away" Eren asked, "The hell is the attitude for?" You sat up, "I heard you and Captain talking last night. I don't need you to "watch over me" I'm capable of doing things on my own. That includes getting out of bed" Eren's face turned light pink and his eyes widened.

"You mean.. you heard the whole conversation?" You assumed he looked flustered because he wanted his and Mikasa's relationship to be a secret. You tilted your head, "Yeah, I did. I think you and Mikasa are a good couple." He swallowed his spit, "I already told you we're not dating." You stood up from your bed, "You guys are are going on a date soon, but you're not dating?" He struggled to get the words out of his mouth, "Yeah.. Her and I, we uh... We uhm-"

You reached your hand out and placed it on his arm, smiling. "You don't need to explain to me, Eren. After all, I'm just the new recruit and you're just helping me out. I hope you and Mikasa have fun at that date!" The expression on Eren's face after you said that wasn't what you expected. His face went blank for a few seconds, and then he smiled sheepishly and turned to walk out of your room.

You were even more surprised with yourself. 'Why would I say that?' You walked out of your room after Eren and followed him to the dining hall. Hanji waved you down from her seat, "Come over here dear!" You walked over to her table and sat down next to her. Everyone who was at the dinner last night was seated at the long wooden table. You sat down with a fake smile, "Good morning everybody!" Only one person replied to you, and that was Connie. "Morning y/n" Levi slid you a plate of food, "I already got you some food." Hanji said, "I was meaning to ask you where you went last night." Before you could figure out how to answer that, Armin blurted, "She found out that Jean liked her and got sick" Everyone at the table burst into a fit of laughter besides you and Jean.

You're evil, (Eren x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara