Chapter 11, Planned

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Hanji frantically carried you to her office saying, "I'm sorry y/n. I should've went down there sooner!" You wanted to reply back, but your mouth was too cut up to say anything. She laid you down on a bench in her office. Levi walked in shortly after. Hanji shut the door behind him and turned around slowly to you. Levi stated, "We want to know what your intent is now. What do you want to do?"

You softly whispered, "Originally, my intent was to get information on Eren." Hanji asked, "So what's your intent now?" You replied, "I want to help you guys. I'm not saying that for selfish reasons either. I'd go through that torture a million times over again if it meant you guys would trust me like you used to. I never wanted to make everyone here go through what they went through years ago with Reiner and Bertolt. The truth is, it would still be an honor to fight under your names, Captain Hanji and Levi."

After a few moments Levi said,"I know you're a good kid." You sat up painfully and apologized. "I'm so sorry Captain." He continued, "I'm gonna stitch you up kid. And you can tell Hanji and I about the attack tomorrow." Levi opened the closet door and reached for some medical tools while Hanji started to question you. "Does the attack tomorrow involve titans?" You nodded, "Yes, Porco's Jaw titan, Pieck's Cart titan, Reiners Armored titan, and Zeke's Beast titan. Gabi and Falco are coming too. I'm not sure how many soldiers their bringing, but no more then a handful of the top ranking ones."

Hanji rested her chin on her hand and looked down. "Okay.. do you have an idea on where or how they plan on attacking?" Levi sat down next to you with a needle in hand ready to stitch your face. You replied to Hanji, "I'm pretty sure there coming from wall Maria or Shiganshina, but their main focus is Trost. I'm not sure how though. I wasn't told a whole lot" Levi examined the needle and gently started to stitch the big gash across your face. You groaned in pain as Levi said, "Don't be a wuss. Keep talking" But you didn't. You practically couldn't. He pressed the needle into your skin a bit deeper, "I said keep talking." You frantically pleaded, "About what sir!?"

Levi answered, "We're gonna need you to think up a plan. Since you are a Marleyan you know them the most. You could probably better predict what they are going to do. I want you to think of a plan for tomorrow." You thought for a few moments. "Okay. There's no way we could possibly kill all of the titans, we just have to think of a way to keep them away. Mikasa could handle the soldiers by herself, no problem." Hanji replied, "Yeah, but what about the titans?"

You said, "I'll just confront them" Levi asked, "What do you mean?" You responded, "Once they start to question where I am, I'll explain no matter how hard they try, I won't be going back with them. I'll ask why they've lied to me about the history of Eldians, and once they realize I truly don't want to go, they'll leave without a fight on their end" Hanji asked, "Are you sure thats going to work y/n?" You replied, "It will. I promise" Levi said, "You are crucial to this plan. I'm not sure if you'll be well enough to go out. Your face is extremely cut up. Your arms as well"

You shook your head and argued, "I'll be fine! Please let me Captain!" Hanji added, "We know you want to confront them y/n. But this isn't about you. It's about . . ." Her sentence trailed off. Levi looked at Hanji and asked, "If it's not about y/n, then what is it about Hanji?" She looked you in the eye and answered, "I guess it is about you, y/n" Levi continued to glide the needle through you skin as you were squirming. Levi yelled, "Stop moving goddamnit!" You apologized, "Sorry Captain"

After a few moments, Hanji said, "I'm sorry for sentencing you to torture. You didn't deserve it." You disagreed, "I'm the one that should be sorry. I owe everyone an apology." Levi said, "Yeah, you do." Hanji laughed, "You should've seen Levi, y/n! After he read that note, he was devastated" Levi angrily grunted, "Hanji..." She continued to laugh, "What did it say anyways?!" He reached in his back pocket and said, "You won't be laughing after you read it" Hanji unfolded the piece of paper and started to read, her smile quickly fading away. After she finished reading it, Levi snatched it back and asked, "How funny was it Hanji?"

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