Chapter 8, Lied

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He tried to wrap his hand around your waist, but you quickly pushed him away and yelled, "What the hell Eren?!" He stared at you wide eyed, not expecting that reaction from you. You backed away, "What is wrong with you?" You heard a whimper from behind you. You knew automatically. To both of your horror it was Mikasa. She was watching. You immediately stood up and faced her. "I'm so sorry Mikasa, I was just trying to help him with his arm!" She stuttered, "I know." Suddenly her face of shock turned into pure anger. She started to stomp towards Eren and you stepped out of the way.

Levi yelled at you, "Y/n stop her!" You tried to grab her arm but she pulled away. She raised her foot in the air ready to kick Eren. You jumped in front of her and place you hands on her shoulders. "Mikasa stop! Think this through for a second, will you?" Tears started to form in her eyes as she screamed, "You don't get it.. Today was our one year anniversary!" She then started to sob. She asked you between sobs, "What do you have that I don't?" Eren answered, "A personality. Your just like your deadbeat uncle" You pulled a blade out and held it to his neck while he was still on the floor. You hollered, "That's enough goddamnit! Don't speak about your girlfriend like that, and don't speak about your Captain like that!" He didn't reply. Mikasa whispered, "I'm not his girlfriend anymore."

Eren looked down at his hands and said, "I can explain, y/n, please." You took Mikasa by the wrist and walked away, "No." You wondered why he would need to explain to you and not Mikasa. Levi muttered, "Why don't you get the medic stuff set up over there.. I'm gonna talk to Eren." You nodded, "Yes sir" You continued to walk with Mikasa on top of the wall. You asked, "Are you okay Mikasa?" She stopped walking and looked at you, tears still streaming down her face. "I wish I could lie and say I am, but I'm not y/n" She pulled you in for a hug and started crying harder. "It's okay Mikasa, I promise you it's gonna be okay" As you consoled her, you saw Levi angrily talking to Eren.

Eren was also crying. All of the sudden, Jean landed on top of the wall holding Connie, looking scared. You and Mikasa both turned to look at Jean. He yelled, "Connie's hurt!" You held your arms out, "Here, I'll tend to him. What happened?" Jean cried, "He jumped in front of me when one of the titans tried to eat me and they got his torso!" Jean hesitantly, yet gently handed Connie to you. Mikasa quietly said, "Y/n is the new nurse. You can trust her" You placed Connie on the ground, and lifted his shirt. "It doesn't look life threatening, but it doesn't look good either." Jean sighed, "So he's going to be okay?" You nodded, "Yes Jean, he'll be just fine" Mikasa buried half of her face in. Her scarf and said, "Good to hear" While walking away.

Jean knelt down beside you, "She looked really sad. Was she crying just now?" You nodded, "Eren kissed me just now. Right in front of her" Jean quietly gasped, "Did you kiss him back?" You shook your head while pouring hydrogen peroxide of Connie's large wound. "Of course not. I feel terrible for her, Jean. Today was their one year anniversary." Jean sounded disgusted as he spoke, "What the hell is wrong with him? Why would he throw one year of a happy relationship down the drain just like that? For a split second kiss?" You shrugged, "I don't know Jean. But the weird thing is, he didn't even hesitate. I'm wondering if maybe he didn't even mean to do it."

He asked, "Did he say anything else?" You replied, "Yeah, he told her she didn't have a personality. He called Captain Levi deadbeat too. I don't know what got into him." Jean clenched his jaw and spoke through his teeth. "That's it! I'm gonna kill him!" You demanded, "Jean stop! He's crying, and I know he didn't mean what he said," He stood up and walked off towards him, "He didn't mean it my ass! You don't say shit like that and just not mean it!" You were contemplating on chasing after him, but you were too slow. Jean was already over there giving Eren a piece of his mind. He yelled, "Was it worth it Eren?! You see Mikasa crying over there?! Is that worth it Eren?!" Eren yelled back, "Goddamnit Jean, go away!"

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