Chapter 6, Back

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You finally had the courage to pick up your feet and book it. You were facing the back of the store, and spotted Levi picking out fresh produce about 200 feet away from you. You dropped the basket of sushi and sprinted as fast as you could, not wanting to look back at the men. Levi looked confused, and a bit annoyed that you were running in the store. You grabbed his arm and pulled him behind a big shelf. You struggled to hold back your tears, maybe accidentally letting a couple fall. Your voice now shaky you said, "I-It's that man again. H-He's back with another guy, and he has a knife. He's trying to sell me to an old pervert. T-The guy is really big, they both are. P-Please help me Captain, I'm sorry I said it wouldn't happen-"

He didn't look annoyed with you anymore, yet he said, "Shut up. I'll handle it" You spotted the men in the largest middle aisle and pointed, "There they are" Levi commanded, "Come with me. I can't leave you by yourself" The men hadn't spotted you and Levi yet, even though you were walking right towards them. They called out, "Young lady! We won't hurt ya, come out here!" Levi walked up to them with his hand on his blade, ready to pull it out if he needed to. Levi asked, "Do we have a problem here?" One of the men whispered to the other, "I told you going after a soldier was a bad idea, come on. I saw another girl that we could get good money for" But the old man didn't seem to care. You stayed behind Levi, not wanting to come in contact with them.

The old man scoffed, "What are you gonna do runt?" He took a step closer to Levi. "Step aside and we won't have any problems" Levi pulled out his blade and muttered, "We already have problems." Levi only used his blade to intimidate the man. Levi swept his feet out from underneath the old guy and kicked him in the jaw while he was on the ground. Levi shoved his blade in the old man's mouth and stepped on his stomach, "If I hear your going around trafficking young girls again, I'll finish you off myself." The man cried, "Yes sir! Anything you'd like! Please let me live!"

Levi spit on the guy and whispered, "Pathetic" As he walked away with you. The two guys ran out of the store as fast as they could. You wiped your eyes even though there were still more tears coming, "T-Thank you sir" Levi rolled his eyes. "Stop crying. Their not going to hurt you anymore, you're fine. Go get your stuff and I'll meet you outside."

You nodded and said, "Yes Captain" You walked away and went to the aisle where you dropped your basket. You took it to the the cash register, and the lady helping you gave you one of the nastiest looks ever. As she was bagging your stuff, she didn't look away from you. You finally bubbled over, "Never seen a soldier before, bitch? Give me my shit and go to hell" You snatched the bag away from her and walked outside, waiting for Levi on your horse where you said you would. A few minutes later Levi came back out of the store with two grocery bags, still not looking impressed with you.

You called out, "Captain, could you hurry? I'm getting-" He cut you off, "Quiet." He jumped on his horse and started to head back to the headquarters, not saying a word, not looking you in the eye. You handed him one of the sushi rolls you bought and said, "Here, I didn't know what kind of sushi you like, but I got you this one" He took the sushi and chopsticks that you held out to him and looked you in the eye, "Thanks, kiddo" You smiled, "No problem Captain. I got one for Hanji too" He was in front of you, so you couldn't see his face, but you imagined his emotion didn't change.

You rode back in silence, not really having a topic to talk about. Once you got the the headquarters, Levi headed inside without talking and you followed him. You asked, "Sir, where's Hanji's office?" Without looking at you, he pointed. "There" You had no clue what he was pointing at, but you thanked him anyway, "Thank you, Captain" You wandered down the hallway, looking for someone to ask directions once more. Luckily you saw Hanji, "Captain Hanji!" She beamed from down the hallway, her glasses reflecting light off of it. You walked in her direction as she shouted, "Hello dear! Do you need anything?"

You're evil, (Eren x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant