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Izuku rocketed down the hallway! Pushing his arms as hard as he could his wheel chair was going at a dangerous speed as he tried his best to escape the devil herself!

Doctor Yuna!

As soon as she saw Izuku's new appendage his hell increased ten fold. See due to Izukus new reign of motion while still limited just opened a world of possibilities for therapy! It had been a few months since he'd built the appendage...and since his mother and Izumi left.  On the bright side of things he and his dad started spending a lot more time together! Well when he didn't have hero work! A lot of the time they would just hang out and spit ball ideas for potential upgrades revolving around his arm. Izuku still hid his designs for his other parts from his dad after the promise he made.

Izukus current rendition of the "Claw" practically turned it into a different machine. It now had three proper fingers and an a posable thumb! Due to the artificial nerves that he and recovery girl designed together he was even able to semi feel through it! Tho nothing major from vibrations to being able to differentiate between textures and temperatures. But progress was progress! That progress however landed him in this position of hiding from a demon! Currently he had himself hid around a corner from a corridor that forked into three other hallways. He held his breath as best he could with his sweat beating down his face, he felt like he was in a damn horror movie!! His heart nearly exploded when he saw the pale fingers wrap around the corner. Ever so slowly he could see Yuna's black hair followed suit. In a second she was glaring down at the poor cripple, her face was shadowed and yet her glasses somehow seemed to glow her face shaped into a twisted smile. WHAT WAS WITH IT AN HIS DOCTORS BEING SO DAMN SCARY! Before he could react.

She pounced.

After a day of even more intense than usual physical therapy Izuku sat outside the hospital. enjoying the cool winter air whilst he waited for his dad. He was skimming through his phone while he waited, watching various hero fights from the week prior or just catching up in the world. Since Izuku's accident he'd hardly ever go outside unless at home, he didn't like to admit it but his already little self confidence vanished with his limbs. He was pulled from his spiral of self discrimination by a notification on his phone, it was Counter Measure reminding him to take his meds. Taking a deep breath he unhooked his bag from his chair and grabbed his kit, taking the syringe he placed it into the jar with his painkillers. And he took a little more than his recommended dosage. Cause yknow, little more couldn't hurt right? Injecting the shot he released a sigh and put his kit and bag away. Gradually he could feel the dullness come on and his body became loose. He leaned back and closed his eyes listening to the sounds of the city as the sun set. He'd gotten a lot of weird stares by passing pedestrians, as this kid wearing a mask sitting in a wheelchair looked dead outside the hospital. He held his breath for a few moments allowing the filters on his mask to open and force the air into his body. He just sat and revelled in the painlessness of breathing. Due to his absolute hatred for his previous breathing apparatus, the incident when he ran out of oxygen and nearly suffocated, and his now crippling body dysmorphia. Izuku quickly constructed "the face" a plain white mask that covered the entirety of his face and had the added bonus of working as a new breathing apparatus that didn't require the massive oxygen tank! Given the fact that he didn't eat nor drink properly, he almost never took it off anymore. Understanding that his eyes were really his only way of non written forms of communication he'd also designed the eyes to move and adjust to fit what his actual eyes were doing. It actually benefited him due to exaggerating his expressions. His dad and Dr Yuna always tried to make him take it off but it was just easier to wear it, it made him felt better, it made him feel like someone else.

As he sat zoned out and just a little high, waiting for his father Izuku was shot to awareness when he heard loud shouting and screaming! Acting without thinking he sprung into action! As quickly as his arms could take him he rushed his way to where the screaming was happening. He ended up crossing the street and coming to the end of an alleyway. Taking a deep breath and preparing himself to go down the darkened passage, a person barged and ran passed him! Slightly pushing him as they went by! Stunned and confused he looked to where the person was going and saw them carrying a back pack, a small trail of blood followed in their wake.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now