Champions! (4 year time skip Izumi)

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Finally! Finally it was time! The sports festival! I can finally put those extras in the ground! And show Katcchan that I'm the number one! No more of this class bullshit! To me, this wasn't students in games, its an arena. So Im gonna fight like a gladiator!

I looked across the waiting room to see Katcchan practically frothing at the mouth! He'd been more excited than I was! Our class had all been in little clusters talking amongst themselves or doing stretches. Until Todorki came up to me, I was hoping for a different kind of declaration!

"Oh, Todorki, what's up?!"I said

"Midoryia, looking at things objectively I'm stronger than you. But....AllMight has his eye on you, doesn't he? But I'm going to beat you." His dull voice replied, and suddenly, I wanted to put his pretty face the farthest in the ground! What the fuck did this extra just say?!

"Ha! Wow it's clear you're just a pretty face! Say did that burn partially blind you? Because clearly you can't see where we are in terms of strength! But if you wanna fight Half n half! You better with all you've got!" I couldn't help but get a little competitive, but there is zero chance! I loose today!

Kirishima walked up to try and stop what was going on, but before he got in the way I could see Todorkis eyes open wide and even some anger? Looks like I got another contender. Before anything else happened we all were told to head to the entrance of the arena. We were all line up in order from 1A down the list, I looked around at my soon to be competitors. I saw a few kids from 1B I recognized from the exam and others from there stupid declaration in class! Before I could see anyone else Present Mic began to call us out!


I walked out out of the tunnel and could hear the roar of the crowd! Soon! They'll be chanting Izumi!

Midnight had arrived on the stage her slutty outfit got all the apparent twelve year olds in our classes to go nuts! After that debacle! She called forward to class representative! I was about to walk forward when I heard.


I watched as Katcchan stalked his way to the stage and up the stairs, a bunch of kids were mumbling and I could hear some bimbo from the general course say how he only got first in the hero course exam. Pssh as if it mattered! They are all literal extras when it came to this school!!
I looked to the left and saw something strange? There was a really tall guy in what looked like the support course? He had dark green hair that was shaved into an under cut, wearing what looked like a hero costume and a metal mask on his face? It was a metallic grey with black highlights around the cheeks,jaw, and the two rabbit ear like appendages to the sides with two glowing green eyes that stared directly at Katcchan. while everyone else was talking amongst themselves he just stared and didn't move. It's when I noticed some pink hair girl wearing googles shaking him, yet he didn't budge I noticed too that he was built like an OAX! Why the hell was someone like that in the support course!! My gaze was ripped away when I heard Kacchans speech.

"I pledge, that I'm gonna be Number one!" And then the crowed exploded. I physically could hear what he said after over everyone around me screaming, but I knew what he intended. To make himself the number one target! So that everyone will be looking at him and away from me! I turned back to that guy only to see his head turn and glance at me! I hope I got a chance to put that creep in his place!

After Katcchan gave his pledge Midnight turned our attention to a large screen with a wheel displayed on it. Spinning it we saw that it landed on.

Obstacle race

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