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Izuku awoke in a black void. His usual hospital bed absent? Everything felt wrong? Like a haze that tilted everything off centre? Taking a couple steps it was clear that he was the only thing here....but where was here? Before any panic could set in....a scuffle echoed out from the darkness that surrounded him....

"Hello?" Izuku called out, immediately thrown off when his own actual voice called into the dark. Looking down his eyes shot wide! His right hand.....it was there! His hand shook violently as he raised it to his face, it was actually there! An unprompted sob escaped Izukus lips as he desperately checked the rest of his body.....sure enough, it was all there! His legs! Even his jaw! It....it was all back! It was so hard to process to even comprehend!

That's when's a long raspy inhale followed by a whimper sounded from the dark...his attention instantly snapped forward and Izuku starred into the abyss once more. His sudden miracle over shadowed, by what lurked beyond the veil.

Taking a deep breath Izuku called out once more, but again got nothing back...but when another whine echoed out. Izuku didn't hesitate to run into the dark.

Izuku stumbled, running farther and farther from the light as he desperately searched for the cry..every time he seemed to get close it would shift and come from somewhere else...he knew it was a trap, that he was in danger...that there was no way he had his limbs back! But he couldn't risk leaving someone to suffer alone.

Eventually after running for god knows how long! Izuku finally found something in the dark....a faint flicker of light in the distance....running as fast as he could the breaths and whimpers got louder and louder the closer he got! Until eventually he made it....

Similar to where he woke up there was just a random spot of light? Like a spot light shining down.....illuminating a small figure sitting in the centre.

Walking forward Izuku began to crouch prepared to try and help this person!.....when he saw the holes. Suddenly stoping Izuku stared in shock and horror at what sat in front of him.

A small child...various large vicious holes sat on his exposed back....what was left of it that is, pieces of mangled flesh barely holding to bone as blood freely flowed from the gaping wounds. Izuku could even see traces of the boys? Spine through the holes. They shook and twitched violently shaking with every raspy breath. But atop the child's head sat a mound, of matted forest green hair....

Reaching out slowly Izukus vision seemed to be pulsing as his hand got closer and closer. As soon as his hand rested on the child shoulder blade they froze entirely.

"It's okay now, I'm here to-" Izuku said before being violently cut off as the child whipped around and released An unholy...an inhuman scream...from its jawless throat.
-&-@2$28. []. 


I could feel the click of my bones as my eyes opened. It felt like it had been ages since I opened them last....I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12am.....good enough. The familiar tug of my skin being stretched taught worked it's way up my back as I pulled myself from the old couch. My neck releasing a series of crunches and pops as I tried to roll the stiffness away....The way my flesh...pulled at me like a shirt long since outgrown, it disgusted me. Fortunately he forgot to take them off again.

I stumbled when I stood up, everything felt so foreign....so ObSoletE. It took a second until I could get my bearings again. Stretching my limbs a satisfied sigh escaped my lips as I felt the joints pop and dislocate, and felt like slipping into a tailored suit. That's when I felt it. An unwelcome passenger, tHe PaRaSiTE! I could feel it rooting around, burrowing...IN MY BODY! I grabbed at the base of my neck as the disgusting buzz infiltrated my ears! I could feel it trying to put me back to sleep...to cast me back to that all consuming void.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now