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Olivia called me that night and told me everything that had happened. She asked me to come over, which I was more than happy to do. I wanted to be there for her and Ash, and I was worried about her being alone. I knew Ash was there, but I didn't want Liv to get nervous or paranoid as she waited for Fez to wake up and try to take something.

"Rue." Liv cried, opening the door and falling into her friend's arms. Rue dropped her bag and immedietly embraced Liv into a hug.

Rue had her cheek on top of Olivia's hair as Liv nuzzled her head in Rue's chest.

"Have you heard anything?" Rue asked, slightly muffled by Liv's hair. She felt Liv shake her head and pull away.

"Um, no. Finnegan just said he should wake up tomorrow morning. We just have to hope he does." She informed.

Rue nodded, and Olivia welcomed her inside.

"Ashtray's upstairs with their grandma. He's probably asleep. Do you want anything to eat or drink? I have tea." Liv offered. Rue couldn't help but smile at how kind she was, especially under the circumstances.

"Uh...isn't Fez there?" Rue asked, awkwardly. Olivia shook her head.

"Finnegan moved him to my parents room so he could rest in a bed."

I've never seen Liv like this. She was nervous, and constantly either shaking her leg or tapping her hand against her thigh.

She asked me if I would rather sleep in her bed with her or have my own room for the night.

But I really didn't want her to be alone.

"Shit. I forgot how big your room is." Rue said, looking around as she put my bag on her vanity. Liv looked back and smiled.

"So big, yet so lonely." She joked. Even though she laughed it off, Rue could see she was hurting deep down.

"We should watch a movie or something to get your mind off things." Rue suggested. Olivia nodded and grabbed her tv remote, walking over to the small couch that she managed to fit on the opposite end of the room from her bed.

Rue followed closely behind.

The two began flipping through Netflix, searching for a movie to watch or at least agree on. It was a little awkward as they did, neither of them knowing what to say.

They didn't understand why it was so awkward. It never was for them.

"So, um, how are you and Jules?" Liv asked out of pure curiousity. Rue shook her head, the only light in the room coming from the tv and a small pink lamp that was lit on the opposite end.

"I don't think we're getting back together." Rue answered. Liv nodded.

More awkward silence.

"Why don't you pick a movie and I will get changed into pajamas." Liv suggested.

Before Rue could protest, Olivia was already up off of the couch for her dresser. She pulled out a tank top and pair of sleep shorts, Rue flipping through movies.

Olivia went to the bedroom's bathroom to take off her clothes, but accidentally didn't close the door all the way. As Rue flipped through the tv sections, she glanced over at the bathroom and saw Olivia's naked silhouette.


Rue didn't want to tear her eyes away, but barely managed to do so when Liv finally opened up the door and walked out. She threw her dirty clothes into a hamper, and Rue quickly looked back at the tv screen.

As Olivia walked back to the couch, Rue noticed she wasn't wearing a bra.

Eventually, they picked a random movie to watch. Rue fell asleep towards the end on Olivia's shoulder. When the credits started to roll, Liv looked down at Rue's head.

She smiled slightly, happy a person like Rue was in her life to be there when she needed it.

She turned the tv off and patted Rue's shoulder, waking her up. Liv then grabbed her hand and led her to her bed, knowing Rue was tired and didn't really know where she was going.

They had pulled the covers on top of each other. As they started getting comfortable, Rue faced Liv and Liv faced the wall to her right, opposite of Rue.

But, eventually, Liv rolled over and they were facing each other.

And their faces were really close.

"Thanks for coming over." Olivia said, both of them being awake and staring at each other. Rue nodded.

"Anytime. You know I'm always here for you." She said.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Liv asked, her mind going back to Fezco. Rue smiled.

"It's Fez. He'll wake up tomorrow morning and make a joke about everything that happened." She said. Olivia laughed, but a tear fell down her cheek.

She was so fucking tired of crying.

Rue picked her hand up to wipe Olivia's stained face. Then, she pulled Liv in closer, and Liv nuzzled her head into her chest like she had done when Rue first got there.

Liv closed her eyes, her eyelids finally starting to get heavy. Rue's eyes remained open, worrying about Fez and Liv. She couldn't help but grab Olivia's face again and stroke her hair.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rue asked, looking at Liv in the eyes. Their faces were right across from each other.

Liv wanted to scream and yell and cry and admit that she wasn't, but she couldn't do that. She had to remain strong for Fez.

So she just shrugged.

As Rue's thumb continued to glide on Liv's temple, she bent down and kissed in between Olivia's eyes on the top of her nose.

They layed there like that for a second again.

Olivia looked back up, seeing Rue staring down at her peacefully.

She couldn't help but glance down at her lips.

And Rue did the same.

They brought their faces and bodies even closer together.

Maybe they were just trying to get comfortable.

But, next thing they knew, Olivia's hand was on Rue's jawline, and she was leaning forward just like Rue.

And then their lips touched.

ɢᴏᴏᴅ ɢɪʀʟ, ʙᴀᴅ ʜᴀʙɪᴛꜱ (author's version)Where stories live. Discover now